#SweetestAdoptionMoments Slideshow

Here are some of our favorite images from last month's hashtag campaign!

Jennifer Galan December 02, 2015

How is it December already? Part of our celebration of National Adoption Month was the creation of the #SweetestAdoptionMoments hashtag and, after serious eating of turkey and stifling of “STOP LISTENING TO TALK RADIO, UNCLE JIM!,” I am pleased to present some of our favorite Instagram and Twitter pics. Let the emotional eating begin!

Adoption Day Friends For Life
1. Adoption Day Friends For Life

Are you crying with this caption? Because I can’t stop. Somebody give me more pie.

And then there were four.
2. And then there were four.

Four siblings. I can’t even. This is too sweet for me to handle without leftover thanksgiving rolls.

Surprise! It's a girl.
3. Surprise! It's a girl.


Forever In My Heart
4. Forever In My Heart

At the courthouse. You are killing me, hashtaggers. Pass me some whip cream straight out of a can.

Brothers Meet
5. Brothers Meet

Biological brothers meeting. I can’t. WHERE ARE MY STRETCHY PANTS I NEED MORE PIE.

First Picnic
6. First Picnic

Well-played, gorgeous first picnic baby, well-played. We can share the feelings-eating together.

Let’s go over to Twitter—they will be much snarkier, right? Because I can’t handle these sweet moments for much longer.


TWITTER. You have betrayed me right in the feels. Going for sweet potato casserole now.

New goal: Next November let’s have the hashtag be something that will help me diet. Or at least eat the crudité plate.

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Jennifer Galan

Jennifer Galan mothers four kids (one adopted, three biological) all while living the nomadic life of a military wife. She is a strong advocate for open adoptions, education reform, feminism, kindness, and naps. Mostly naps. Her favorite Doctor is number ten, and she is a proud Ravenclaw.

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