Top Seven Books to Record for Your Birth Child

The perfect books for telling your child they are loved and cherished in your own voice.

Melissa Giarrosso June 24, 2014

As an adoptive mom, I’m always looking for ways to keep my child’s birth parents’ presence alive in our home despite the miles between us. On our first trip to visit our son’s birth mother after placement, we asked her to record “Bright & Beautiful: A Child’s Blessing.” For months, we pulled this book down off the shelf so our son could hear not only her voice, but her wishes for him. It opened a door for us to talk to him about how much she loves him and about how he’s always in her heart. On the next visit, we took “Under the Same Moon” and another book was added to our rotation. When our daughter was placed with us, we took “Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You” so her birth parents could record it for her, assuring she’d hear their voice often and it would give us the opportunity to remind her that she is never without their love.

If it’s possible, consider recording a book for the child you placed. Most can be purchased for less than $30(US) and can be found in popular card stores or even drug stores, and the ones below are available on Amazon. Recording them is simple and easy, and there’s a secure switch that assures your voice won’t accidentally get recorded over. Each of the books below are ones that I’ve personally read, and they’re all ones we are adding to our collection. Some tie in God’s involvement in our lives, and others simply express a sentiment that, near or far, love is powerful and present.

If recording a book for your child isn’t an option for some reason, consider just buying the non-recordable version of one of the books below and writing an inscription on the front cover. This will allow your child’s parents to read your message and talk openly about the love you have for your child. Titles like “Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You,” “On the Night You Were Born,” and “Guess How Much I Love You” can be easily found at many popular chain stores.

Have you recorded a book for your child or given him a book with an inscription from you on the inside? Tell us your story by commenting below!

#1 – Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You
1. #1 – Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You

This book is so sweet and heartfelt. It lets the child know that it doesn’t matter whether you’re near or far--your love is always with them.

“I wanted you more than you’ll ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go.”

#2 – On the Night You Were Born
2. #2 – On the Night You Were Born

This book talks about the beauty of the child as an individual, how celebrated and welcomed she was to come into the world, and how loved she is by so many.

“So whenever you doubt just how special you are and you wonder who loves you, how much and how far, listen for geese honking high in the sky. (They’re singing a song to remember you by.)”

#3 – Bright & Beautiful: A Child’s Blessing
3. #3 – Bright & Beautiful: A Child’s Blessing

This book is a blessing said from the reader to the child. It talks about all the wonderful things God made, which includes the child.

“May God bless you, may He keep you, May love never be too far, and as you grow I hope you know how wonderful you are.”

#4 – Under the Same Moon
4. #4 – Under the Same Moon

This book tells the child you placed that you’re always under the same moon and that you’re always thinking of him or her.

“Over the mountains and over the sea, together with you I wish I could be. Please let the light that shines on me shine on the ones I love.”

#5 – All the Ways I Love You
5. #5 – All the Ways I Love You

This book shows the boundless love you have for your child.

“I love you round and round the world. I love you through and through. And when it seems impossible to love you more… I do.”

#6 – I Love You Head to Toe
6. #6 – I Love You Head to Toe

This book shows your child that you realize how special she is and that you give God credit for making that possible.

“From head to toe, all through and through, I love how special God made you.”

#7 – Guess How Much I Love You
7. #7 – Guess How Much I Love You

This book shows how hard it is to measure love and will remind your child that the love you have for him has no limits.

"I love you right up to the MOON," he said, and closed his eyes. "Oh, that's far," said Big Nutbrown Hare. "That is very, very far."

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Melissa Giarrosso

Melissa Giarrosso is a Staff Storyteller at and a mom to two quirky kids through open adoption, all thanks to infertility and the belief that adoption is never second best. She and her family reside in a suburb of Memphis, TN where they remain faithful members of numerous open adoption communities, gently advocating the opportunities that open adoption affords all members of the adoption triad.

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