Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be difficult and emotional. I so wish I could somehow personally reach out and hug any and all who are reading this. I have been there. I know how hard, scary, and confusing it can be—but hopefully this guide can help you better understand your options and make choosing easier.
Since you’re here, you’re likely researching the options that are available to you to make choosing easier. If you’re pregnant, there are a lot of things to consider during this time. Arming yourself with information about your options is the first step in empowering yourself to make an informed and well-thought-out decision regarding your future—and the future of your unborn baby. Choosing the right situation for your baby depends upon correct information. While choosing adoption may be the right option for some, it may be the wrong decision for others.
At this point, you might be considering parenting, adoption, or abortion. It’s important that you carefully consider each of these choices for you and your baby before choosing how to act. We’re here to help you explore the adoption option with this choosing adoption for your baby guide.
If you would like to speak confidentially with an adoption professional about your pregnancy options, click here.