Erichthonius and Adoption
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Erichthonius was the son of the god Hephestus and possibly Atthis, but fostered by the goddess Athena, and raised in a chest[!] by the daughter(s) of Cecrops. He became king of Athens and is credited with introducing chariot driving and silver to mankind.
Oxford Classical Dictionary, edited by M. Cary, et al. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1949) Encyclopedia of Religion. 16 vols. (New York: Macmillan, 1987) Tufts University Perseus Project. "Perseus Encyclopedia: Erichthonios." Available at: [1]
- Adoption Celebrities
- Adopted Persons
- Mythological, Traditional and Divine Figures
- European
- Greece
- Rulers, Nobles, Chiefs, Presidents, Prime Ministers
- Birth or Infancy
- Child Abandoned or Rejected by Birth Parent(s)
- Wealthy, Famous, Noble or Divine Adoptive or Foster Families
- Adoptees/Fosterees from Wealthy, Famous, Noble or Divine Birth Families