Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon Abramovich, Roman Acre, Mark Adler-Collins, Je Kan Agnelli, Umberto Ahbez, Eden Albee, Edward Franklin Alda, Frances Jeanne Alexander the Great Alexander VI Allan, Jani Andrews, Ben Anstis, Toby Aristotle Arthur Ashcroft, Edith Margaret Emily Aspinall, John Victor Astor, Joshua Aucoin, Kevyn Audubon, John James Baca, Jimmy Santiago Bach, Johann Sebastian Baiul, Oksana Bálint, Lea Ballinger, John Bankhead, Tallulah Banks, John Barber, Dee Seton Barberie, Jillian Bartholomew, Freddie Bartram, John Batley, Robert Thompson (under Honorific Adoption) Bay, Michael Bayard, James Asheton, Sr. Beachley, Layne Bede, the Venerable Berglas, David Bergman, Ingrid Berlin, Andy Best, James Bird, A. John Björk, Carl Axel Blackburn, Tom (see Deacon, Joseph John) Bloodvessel, Buster Bolívar, Simón Boone, Daniel (under Honorific Adoption) Boson of Arles Boson of Arles Bowen, Jim Bradford, William Brady, John Green Brainerd, David Brakhage, Stan Brickley, James Brimeyer, Alex Brodkey, Harold Brosnan, Pierce Brown, Lester Raymond Brown, Matthew Brown, Rita Mae Burke, Andrew Horace Burke, Kathy Burton, Richard Bussell, Darcey Andrea Bute, John Crichton-Stuart Byrd, Robert C. Caddell, James Cain, Dean George Thomas Callahan, John Cameron, Rhona Capote, Truman Caprotti, Gian Giacomo Cardozo, Abraham Carl Louis John Carruthers, Kitty Carruthers, Peter Casals, Rosemary Casement, Roger David Castelo Branco, Camilo Catherine I Cerullo, Morris Chamfort, Sébastien-Roch Chanel, Gabrielle Bonheur Chaplin, Charles Spencer Chaplin, Sydney Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope Child Migrants Childebert II Childebert III Adoptivus Chisholm, Colin Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Church, Charlotte Church, John Clapton, Eric Clausen, Curt Clinton, William Jefferson Cochran, Jacqueline Cohn, Leopold Colden, Cadwallader Cole, George Cole, Lynnette Collins, Joely Commager, Henry Steele Connolly, Brian Conrad, Joseph Cookson, Catherine Anne Coombs, Herbert Cole (under Honorific Adoption) Cornwell, Bernard Cornwell, Patricia Crawford, Christina CuChulain Cullen, Eric Robertson Custis, George Washington Parke d'Alembert, Jean le Rond Dahlberg, Edward Daniels, Faith Danilova, Alexandra Dyonysievna Danson, Ted Dante Alighieri Davies, Daniel John Davies, William Henry de Beauharnais, Eugène-Rose de Beauharnais, Hortense de Rossi, Giovanni Battista Deacon, Joseph John Dean, James Byron Dermit, Édouard Dickinson, David Douglas, Anthony Douglas, Catherine Dreyer, Carl-Theodor Duchin, Peter Oelrichs Eaton, Peter Edward VI Ellison, Lawrence J. (Larry) Erichthonius Estés, Clarissa Pinkola Eumenes I Evans, Barry Farragut, David Glasgow Field, Shirley Ann Finch, Peter Finn Mac Cumhal Fisher, Florence Anna Ford, Gerald R. Fowler, Percy Leo Fox, Ruth May Foyster, Adelaide Francis, Benjamin Francisco, Peter Francisco, Peter Frank, Eva Frankovich, Mike J. Frelinghuysen, Frederick Theodore Fremstad, Olive Friedlander, Marti Fyodorova, Victoria Garrison, William Lloyd Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaveston, Piers Gay, John Genée, Adeline Genet, Jean German Democratic Republic Gertrude the Great Gilbert, Melissa Ellen Gill, Madge Gingrich, Newton Leroy Glazer, Tom Glazier, Sidney Goldwyn, Sam Graham, Eddie Grahame, Kenneth Grant, Julia Grayson, Larry Green, Tim Grey Owl Griffith, Calvin Gülnüs Ummetüllah Haas, Michael Hale, Matthew Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, Scott Scovell Hancock, John Harry, Deborah Heiric of Auxerre Helena (under Nazi Germany) Heracles Hildegard of Bingen Hill, David Hill, Faith Hilton, Daisy & Violet Hirst, Damien Hitler, Adolf Hobsbawm, Eric Holt, Gary Hoover, Herbert Clark Hopkins, Antony Houdini, Harry Houston, Samuel Hugh of Cluny Hyde, Joseph Peter Hyde, Orson Hyllus Isidore of Seville Ivan VI Jackson, Andrew Jackson, Thomas (Stonewall) Jakszyk, Jakko M. James, Wendy Jameson, Derek Janissaries Jenkins, Robert Thomas Jesus Christ Jobs, Steven Paul Jones, David Ivon Jones, Stewart Whyte McEwan Joseph the Carpenter Juliana of Liège Karl XIV Johan Kean, Edmund Keats, John Kepler, Johannes Kereluk, Cynthia Kindertransport Kipling, J. Rudyard Klein, Hans-Joachim Knight, Edward Austen Kujau, Konrad Kutner, Lawrence La Marr, Barbara LaBadie, Florence Laborteaux, Matthew Laborteaux, Patrick Langstone, Frank Lapotaire, Jane Laurent, Robert Lear, Frances Lee, John Doyle Lehmann, Henry Leitch, David Lemke, Leslie Lennon, John Winston Leonard, Hugh Leonowens, Anna Lewis, Eleanor Parke Custis Liddell, Alice Pleasance Linkletter, Art Liotta, Ray List, Liesbeth Lloyd, Ellis Lopez, Charlotte Anne Lowell, Scott Mabon Mab Modron MacBride, Roger Lea Magnani, Anna Majors, Lee Mantegna, Andrea Mariner, William Martinson, Harry Edmund Mary the Virgin Massey, Edith Massow, Ivan Maugham, William Somerset McArthur, James McAuley, Catherine McCarthy, Mary Therese McCarthy, Thaddeus McCartney, Heather McDaid, Desmond McDermott, Dylan McKenzie, Richard B. McLachlan, Sarah McNab, Andy McQueen, Steve McShane, Mike Medwin, Michael Hugh Melcher, Terry Melville, Herman Melzi, Francesco Memminger, Christopher Gustavus Meyer, Julius Michener, James Albert Mici Plwm Midas Middlemiss, Philip Mikita, Stan Mills, Robert Scourfield Monaghan, Thomas Monroe, Marilyn Monroe, William Smith Montgomery, Lucy Maud Moore, Brian Morley, Eric Douglas Morrissey, Neil Mortara, Edgardo Morton, Samantha Munk, Kaj Murray, Andrew Buist Myners, Paul Naismith, James Naked, Bif Nazi Germany Nelson, Willie Nettles, John Newman, Robert Nicholson, Jack Norwegian Ruling Families O'Connell, James F. O'Connor, Hugh O'Neil, Robert Vincent, Jr. Oedipus Orphan Trains of the USA Palmer, James Alvin Pàscoli, Giovanni Paulger, Irene Pelzer, David J. Perrott, Caroline Peter III Phair, Elizabeth Clark Philip V Plato, Dana Michelle Poe, Edgar Allan Ponsonby, Sarah Powell, Peter John Presley, Priscilla Ann Primakov, Yevgeny Maximovitch Pryderi Pryse, Robert John Quinn, Katherine DeMille Radisson, Pierre-Esprit Raeburn, Henry Reagan, Michael E. Reagan, Nancy Davis Rees, Ebenezer Reynolds, George Robbins, Harold Roberts, Ernie (see Deacon, Joseph John) Roland Rollason, Helen Romulus and Remus Roosevelt, Eleanor Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Rowson, Martin Ruth, George Herman ("Babe") Saffian, Sarah Ruth Sargon I Schramm, Leo Paul Schuon, Frithjof (under Honorific Adoption) Schünemann-Pott, Friedrich Scully, Julia Seed, Michael Senser, Joe Seymour, Alan Shakers Sherman, William Tecumseh Shoah Short, William Slocum, Frances Smith, John Walter Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith, Robyn Soll, Joe Spain, 1936-75 Spalding, Henry Harmon Spencer, Percy LaBaron Stanhope, Albert Stradling, John Strozzi, Barbara Swift, Jonathan Templer, James Thomas, Leslie John Thomas, R. David Thomas, William James Thomson, John Thorne, Grahame Thyssen-Bornemisza, Heinrich Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista Tierney, Sydney Tito Tolkien, J.R.R. Tolstoy, Leo Nikolayevich Train, George Francis Transportees Trapp Family Troxler, G. William Truffaut, François Twardecki, Aloizy (under Nazi Germany) Tydings, Joseph Davies Utrillo, Maurice Valero, Helena Vanunu, Mordechai Verdingkinder Villon, François von Kleist, Heinrich von Lipp, Joseph Wallace, Edgar Waters, William R. Watton, Paul Weinstock, Arnold Weisner, Conrad (under Honorific Adoption) Welch, Bruce Westheimer, Ruth Siegel White, Donald Edwin Whitehead, Phillip Whitman, Marcus Wiesel, Eliezer Wild Boy of Aveyron (under Feral Children) Wilkins, George Wilkomirski, Binjamin William the Conqueror Williams, Jett Williams, John Owen Wine, Maria Winterson, Jeanette Wirt, William Wordsworth, Dorothy Wordsworth, William Zvi, Sarah Zweig, Stefan Jerzy
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