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- ...t becomes irrevocable, or before the mother’s [[Parental Rights|parental rights]] have been terminated. ...e Provider]] or other delegated agent who has advised the parents of their rights.63 KB (9,986 words) - 18:16, 16 April 2014
- ...granted guardianship/custody by a juvenile court order issued through the civil court). Single persons cannot acquire legal guardianship of children in Jo ...irth parent]](s) have rarely relinquished their [[Parental Rights|parental rights]] or consented to their child(ren)’s [[adoption]].'''''26 KB (4,125 words) - 22:56, 1 May 2014
- ...tal rights]], agreed to [[adoption]], had their [[Parental Rights|parental rights]] taken away, or have been recognized by the court as legally incapable of Children Rights Protection Committee26 KB (4,024 words) - 22:56, 1 May 2014
- ...have reached 21 years of age. The law has not established an age limit or civil status requirement(single, married or divorced) and how old the prospective ...cate from a competent authority certifying that [[Parental Rights|parental rights]] have never been taken away from either spouse;16 KB (2,517 words) - 22:57, 1 May 2014
- ...omeone else must be granted [[custody]]; and issues related to inheritance rights when a child’s parents die. Town or city courts approve adoptions by gran ...e translation and [[certification]] of documents and the processing of new civil and travel documents for the [[adopted]] child. These costs are determined31 KB (4,782 words) - 22:59, 1 May 2014
- There is no civil procedure for [[adoption]]. The Government of Lebanon recognizes 19 religio ...tions recognize adoptions as a legal convention and define the conditions, rights, and duties thereof. For the Catholic religious community, the relevant aut21 KB (3,273 words) - 22:59, 1 May 2014
- ...ts are deceased or whose parents have had their [[Parental Rights|parental rights]] taken away are eligible for [[adoption]]. There are few such children and a list of medical conditions. The list is maintained on the State Child Rights Protection and [[Adoption]] Service website. Some of the conditions are dip26 KB (3,816 words) - 23:06, 1 May 2014
- The local Inspector for the Protection of Children's Rights in the district, together with a physician and the director of the [[orphan ...[system]] through the districts Inspector for the Protection of Children's Rights. Once prospective [[Adoptive Parents|adoptive parents]] satisfy the Moldova24 KB (3,546 words) - 23:10, 1 May 2014
- in Mongolia. Individuals who have had their [[Parental Rights|parental rights]] restricted, curtailed are prohibited from adopting in Mongolia. ::5. Anyone who has been declared by a court decision as not having a full civil law capacity or has a restricted capacity.25 KB (3,800 words) - 23:11, 1 May 2014
- ...nal, as long as it is registered. Civil marriages are registered with the civil registrar. Religious marriages are registered with the office of the relig ...optive Parent|adoptive parent]] must relinquish [[Parental Rights|parental rights]].26 KB (4,026 words) - 23:12, 1 May 2014
- ...parent(s) rarely would have relinquished their [[Parental Rights|parental rights]] or consented to their child(ren)'s adoption. ...then proceed with obtaining a birth certificate for the child at the Etat Civil office at the Hotel de Ville (City Hall).24 KB (3,780 words) - 23:14, 1 May 2014
- legally abandoned them and/or have had their [[Parental Rights|parental rights]] terminated by a court. ...of the court (including children whose parents' [[Parental Rights|parental rights]] have been terminated by the court), and orphans. There are 12 district co25 KB (3,792 words) - 23:16, 1 May 2014
- ...adopt]] a child in Poland. Poland does not recognize same-sex marriage or civil unions; therefore same-sex couples are unable to [[adopt]] a child in Polan ...national adoption]] because their parents have died, have relinquished all rights to them, or their right were involuntarily terminated.27 KB (4,177 words) - 23:54, 1 May 2014
- ...jpg|410x579px|thumb|''' A school in Koindu damaged during the Sierra Leone Civil War by RUF rebel forces.'''<BR/>Source:}} ...ntal or judicial authority has terminated their [[Parental Rights|parental rights]] or appointed a different [[Legal Guardian|legal guardian]] for the childr25 KB (3,837 words) - 00:11, 2 May 2014
- ...der will permanently deprive him/her of his/her [[Parental Rights|parental rights]]. The Court can waive this consent if it is satisfied that the person who ...birth parent(s) have rarely relinquished their [[Parental Rights|parental rights]] or consented to their child(ren)’s adoption.27 KB (4,308 words) - 00:12, 2 May 2014
- ...their consent, are unknown, or have lost their [[Parental Rights|parental rights]]. ...uthorizes the adoption will issue an order to register the adoption at the Civil Registry, which records vital statistics. The adoption is annotated at the22 KB (3,423 words) - 00:14, 2 May 2014
- ...e child because they are unable to care for him/her or the child's parents rights have been terminated due to [[neglect]]; or both parents are deceased and t ...; and/or the legal parents have not transferred [[Parental Rights|parental rights]] to anyone and the child is not in their care. After a field investigation23 KB (3,648 words) - 00:19, 2 May 2014
- any Ugandan legal processes, to include the court process and obtaining civil documents such as birth certificates and passports. We are also unable to a ...birth parent(s) have rarely relinquished their [[Parental Rights|parental rights]] or consented to their child(ren)'s adoption.41 KB (6,343 words) - 00:21, 2 May 2014
- <span style="color:red">'''Alert: Decree amending the Civil Procedural Code concerning Courts appointed as adoption authorities to revi In May 2013, the Government of Uzbekistan issued a decree amending the Civil Procedural Code concerning Courts appointed as adoption authorities to revi23 KB (3,597 words) - 00:23, 2 May 2014
- ...ged father of the child who has established his [[Parental Rights|parental rights]] in accordance with law ...nt of [[filiation]] and who has established his [[Parental Rights|parental rights]]55 KB (8,782 words) - 17:55, 15 April 2014
- [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]2 KB (222 words) - 18:57, 28 May 2014
- [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]3 KB (385 words) - 20:14, 14 May 2014
- ...rritorial governor in 1897 and continued to press for Native Alaskan civil rights, but he resigned in 1906 after a critical enquiry into his involvement with [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]3 KB (461 words) - 18:08, 28 May 2014
- ...also a Hollywood screenwriter and an active campaigner for gay and animal rights and against nuclear armaments. In 1970 she was expelled from the National O [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]2 KB (245 words) - 20:23, 2 June 2014
- [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]1 KB (172 words) - 16:02, 19 May 2014
- [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]2 KB (203 words) - 18:23, 21 May 2014
- [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]3 KB (443 words) - 17:14, 17 June 2014
- He was one of the first whites there to champion equal rights for Black South Africans, was imprisoned and is still honored by the Africa [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]2 KB (256 words) - 17:11, 20 May 2014
- [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]3 KB (364 words) - 20:58, 13 May 2014
- [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]] [[Category: Government, Politics, Civil Service, Public Administration]]970 B (114 words) - 17:10, 2 June 2014
- [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]2 KB (336 words) - 20:52, 20 May 2014
- ...aders, encouraging greater self-reliance and the assertion of their tribal rights over land and natural resources. His activities landed him in jail once but [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]2 KB (277 words) - 20:48, 2 June 2014
- ...American Indians, one of the first [[organizations]] to campaign for civil rights for Native Americans. [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]2 KB (227 words) - 16:43, 17 June 2014
- [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]2 KB (282 words) - 16:56, 2 June 2014
- [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]3 KB (356 words) - 16:52, 2 June 2014
- ...[Ohio]] in 1855. He recruited Black soldiers for the Union Army during the Civil War and campaigned for their equal treatment. [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]2 KB (324 words) - 16:17, 17 June 2014
- ...tion doctor in the Indian Service. As a strong advocate of Native American rights (he founded the Society of American Indians), he was sidelined by the Burea [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]3 KB (359 words) - 19:23, 16 June 2014
- [[Category: Civil Rights, Advocacy]]3 KB (382 words) - 19:50, 16 June 2014