My Word for 2015 – Nourish

My theme for the year.

Candise Gilbert January 31, 2015

This year, for the first time, I have selected a “word”. It might be more accurate, however, to say that this word selected me.  In past years I haven’t felt the need to focus my energies on a word.  In fact, I’m not even terribly likely to set resolutions at the beginning of each year.  Lest I seem lazy or unproductive, I do have to say that I love a list.  I love making a list, crossing items off the list, and find great satisfaction in a completed list.  My goals that don’t belong on my daily and weekly lists are most often filed and tracked mentally.

As I was in thought at the beginning of that year about a variety of things, including what I wanted 2015 to “look” like it occurred to me that I most definitely DID have a theme.  Unplanned, and quite un-orchestrated, all my hopes and aspirations for the year fall into one neat little category.  In 2015 I will NOURISH.  The more I think about it the more excited I become!   This word will permeate my thoughts, my actions, become tangible in a pillow and a piece of jewelry (of course).  I plan to utilize this word, and its implications to help me make 2015 a fantastic year.   And because it has been on my mind nearly constantly – I’ll tell you how!

1. Myself

In 2014 I accomplished some significant health goals, greatly affecting my body and my mind. In 2015 I will continue to nourish myself in an effort to improve myself as a wife and mother.

My Marriage
2. My Marriage

We will celebrate our 12 anniversary in a few months. Infertility, adoption, and life in general have shaped our relationship and also created the need for nourishing. I will nourish my marriage this year with a greater focus on date nights and random acts of kindness. After all, only good can come of date nights and kindness, right?

Our Children:
3. Our Children:

I have one daughter navigating the ever changing world of school, friends, homework and play dates. She is very verbal and loves my attention; she is smart, dramatic, and occasionally quite naughty! I will guide and nourish her the best I can as she grows and develops this year. My other daughter is very young and learning something new every day. She needs constant attention, supervision, guidance, and love. I find no difficulty in nourishing a one-year-old, most commonly with hugs and kisses! And I’m not going to set myself up for TOO much failure – but I really need to teach them both to like broccoli.

Birth Parents:
4. Birth Parents:

We have an open adoption with several of our daughters’ birth parents, their spouses, their parents, and other family members. Each of these relationships is unique and very important to me. I have thought a lot about what I can do this year to nourish and strengthen each of these connections. I want them to know of our love for them, and need to express it regularly and effectively. Some of our relationships are new and still developing; others are older and quite comfortable. Each relationship needs to be nourished – and I know I can do better than I have done. I have great plans for this in 2015!

5. Service:

It is easy to get caught up in the business of life. I’m sure I am not alone when I say that some weeks my biggest accomplishments consist of caring for children, doing laundry, making dinner, and keeping the house tidy. It truly is all my dreams come true! It is, however, important to me that I serve others. It makes me happy, and it is imperative that my children observe and participate in serving others. I will nourish those around me with a hot meal, a listening ear, a kind word, or whatever else is needed.

Extended Family:
6. Extended Family:

I have fantastic parents, siblings, and in-laws. I love and care for them and value my relationships with them. Like any other relationship they need nourishing as well, each in different and unique ways. I’d like to find a few creative ways to express my love and appreciation to family members this year as I seek to nourish my relationships with them.

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Candise Gilbert

Candise is the mother of 2 darling girls and the wife of a fantastic husband. She became a mother through the miracle of adoption and parenting is her favorite job! She makes dinner every night, loves a good book, talks about adoption as often as she can, and tries to surround herself with fabulous people.

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