Kaylie & Brett

Hoping to Adopt (Colorado)


About Brett - by Kaylie
About Brett - by Kaylie

Brett is my rock and my adventure. He is always a constant in my life, he is incredibly patient and kind, and his sense of humor always keeps me on my toes. He is a kid at heart, and I know he is going to be an amazing father. Watching our nieces and nephew grow up with him makes my heart full. He has inspired our nephew to have a love for creating, building, and problem solving. They can sit together for hours and build lego sets or build imaginary worlds playing with toys. He keeps me level when I get stressed out and always finds a way to make me smile. He loves collecting vintage cards and memorabilia and we have several shelves dedicated to his collection in our family room, but every time our nephew comes over our nephew always gets to play with any of the toys or collectables he wants. Life has always been an adventure and I cannot wait to go on more with him and hopefully a little one too.

About Kaylie - by Brett
About Kaylie - by Brett

Kaylie has been my best friend for as long as we have known each other. She is going to make an absolutely amazing mother. She is the most generous person I have ever known, super patient and kind. Kaylie has always been easy to be around and makes friends with anyone she meets. For years she worked as a nanny and has raised kids from toddler age all the way through high school, so I am confident she knows what she is doing and what is best for a child as they age. Kaylie went to school for Geology and is still very passionate about her field. Every hike we go on she ends up wanting to take some unique rock home with us or pointing out some cool formation. Kaylie is extremely smart in her domain, and I know that education and passion will be attributes she instills in a child. Kaylie is a hard worker and will teach that same ethic to children. We both understand the value of education and consistency for a child.

We Enjoy...
We Enjoy...

We most enjoy spending time with each other regardless of what we are doing. We get along so well, and everything is more fun together. Specifically, we enjoy getting outdoors either hiking or driving up through the mountain roads. Some days we just like to relax and catch up on our favorite shows or play some video games together. Kaylie has a few spots she grew up camping and fishing at that we continue to visit as a family. Reading books or listening to audiobooks while on the road.

Our Home
Our Home

In 2019 we moved out of our starter home and into a suburban area closer to family and work. It is on the corner of a cul-de-sac with a large backyard area for a child to play. We have a small garden set up around the edge of the yard where we are growing peaches, apples, cherries, blackberries, strawberries and raspberries every year. It is on a quiet street with plenty of trails and a large park nearby to explore as a child grows. There are a number of families with children in the cul-de-sac and families that are young enough for a child to find easy friends. We are about a 30-minute drive to get into the mountains to the west of us with all sorts of fun things to do.

Our Pets
Our Pets

We have adopted 3 senior cats over the years. Our two oldest black cats love laying in the sun and sleeping, but Nyx our Main Coon rules the roost, she is the queen of the house and knows it. We have two Alaskan Klee Kai; Lu the oldest has a never-ending reservoir of energy and is constantly on the go. Phox is our loveable goofball, with a heart of gold but often forgets how to dog.

Host: stg.adoption.com