Joe & Natalie

Hoping to Adopt (Ohio)



We find ourselves the happiest when we are together, and put our family first in everything we do

Home is wherever we are together. And that is our favorite place to be.
We want to say thank you for taking the time to get to know our little family. We can only image the decisions, prayers and thoughts that have led you to this point, but I hope you know how grateful we are for you and your selfless decision. I can easily tell you that adoption has changed our lives and we couldn't be more grateful.

So, what led us to adoption? We found ourselves facing infertility a couple years into our marriage. After years of multiple failed treatments, we were led to adoption which has changed us in more ways than we can count. We recognize the heartache and sacrifice in placing a child for adoption. Without those difficult, faith-filled decisions made by others we wouldn’t be able to grow our family, and that is something for which we could never express enough gratitude.

We feel so much peace and confidence with pursuing adoption again and we know this is the right path for us. We could not be more excited and ready to get to know you!
A Little About Our Family

In our family we like to say that we focus on family, faith and fun

A Little About Our Family
We are the Fuell Family
We have been married for 7 years and can't imagine life without each other. We joke that we are the product of an "arranged marriage". Our dads worked together and set us up on a blind date. We hit it off right away, and in January 2015 we sealed the deal and officially became an "arranged marriage" couple.

As a family we enjoy doing everything, anything and absolutely nothing together. We are fans of the TV show “Survivor”, Fannie May s’mores snack mix, and weekend getaways. In our family we like to say that we focus on family, faith and fun. You’ll find us at home creating simple memories like dance parties after dinner, finding new ways to “spook” each other and singing as loud as we can to “Encanto”. We like to travel (both near and far) and have loved exploring around each of our homes in Utah, Tennessee and Ohio. We love camping, tennis, pickleball, playing at the park, hiking, skiing, playing at the lake and just being outside. We prioritize sitting down for family dinner each night and enjoy trying new foods (Rachel is a big fan of this!). Recently a Freddy’s opened up near our home and we found ourselves going there more often than we would like to admit. In building our family, we value joy, love, faith and consideration for one another. We also believe in teaching our children the source of strength which can be found through Jesus Christ. We just love being together. Simple as that.
A Little About Each Other

What we love about each other...

A Little About Each Other
We were married in 2015 after a successful "arranged marriage"
What Natalie loves about Joe:

There is so much good to say about this man. My very favorite thing about Joe is how he treats me and our relationship. He excels in his educational and career goals, but his dedication and consideration for me is what makes me know I picked the best man out there. He is a sweet, fun, goofy and thoughtful dad and sacrifices his personal time just to be with us. He is very easy to get along with and just a few minutes with him and you will realize he is an optimist who can make any situation fun (he wrote me a song after only a week of dating!). I also admire his relationship with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He is dedicated to improving himself and serving those around him, and I know that is what makes him a great husband, father and soon-to-be doctor. He is my very best friend and the one I want by my side every day!

What Joe loves about Natalie:

In short, everything! She is my best friend and there is no one else I would rather spend my time with. We could talk all day long and never get bored. She is a sincerely loving person. Friends, family, and neighbors can feel her love almost immediately. Her love and hard work make her a great mom to Rachel. This is what Natalie has wanted all her life and I love to see how much she loves it. Natalie’s goal is to always leave a place or a person better than she found it. She will sacrifice much of her personal time to make that happen. I really enjoy how much fun we have together. She is almost as competitive as me, which makes our tennis matches exciting!

What we love about Rachel:
She is such a blessing in our family! She is everything joyful, fun and loving. We love how friendly she is. She is the first to say “hello” to her friends and complete strangers. We love how observant and caring she is. We quickly figured out that she is an auditory learner which makes her a very good listener. We love her obsession with jello and enchiladas (with all the toppings), and you’ll often hear her saying “delicious” whenever she tries something new. We love how looking at her reminds us of her birth mom, especially her smile. We love watching her grow!
There Is So Much More...

We would love to meet you and get to know your story!

There Is So Much More...
Our gratitude and love for our daughter's birth mom will never be enough. She has become a cherished part of our family.
There is so much more about us that we would love to tell you, but not enough room on this profile. Feel free to contact us, ask us questions or reach out whenever is right for you. We would love to meet you and get to know your story!

Joe, Natalie and Rachel