
Pregnancy Diary

What is a Pregnancy Diary

When you first find out that you’re pregnant it’s a good idea to keep a pregnancy diary with information about doctors, medications, dates of progress, and milestones. Also, keep track of how you’re feeling or anything that seems out of the ordinary. These are some things that you could include in your pregnancy diary:

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  • Doctor’s information (name, address, phone number, email address)
  • Hospital’s information (address, phone number)
  • Medications (medications taken, dose, date started, date ended)
  • Vitals (first day of last menstrual period, date of first positive pregnancy test result at home, pre-pregnancy weight, date of first prenatal check-up, symptoms of pregnancy, questions for doctor)
  • Childbirth Education (educator, address of classes, telephone, email, first class date, last class date)
  • First Signs (first heard baby’s heartbeat, first felt baby move)
  • Special Tests (procedure, findings)
  • For Each Prenatal Visit (date, weeks along, weight, blood pressure, uterus height, questions/comments)
  • Labor and Delivery (due date, when labor began, date baby was born, time of delivery, baby’s weight, baby’s length, hospital where baby was born)
  • Postpartum Visits (date, weight, blood pressure, comments/questions)

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The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. “Your Pregnancy and Birth.” Meredith Books. 2005.