Brianna & Clark

Hoping to Adopt (Texas)



As we look toward bringing a child into our home (hopefully your child), we know our hearts are able to experience the strongest degrees of joy because of the road we’ve walked.

Brianna and Clark spending time outside.
It’s our honor to invite you into our story and to be invited into yours. We recognize you’ve walked a difficult road to get to where you are, and we thank you for taking this journey. We believe you are precious. We believe you are priceless. We believe you are made in the image of God, and you are loved. We believe the same about your child.
We believe everything happens for a reason, and it is not a coincidence our paths have crossed in this way. We’ve walked our own road of hardship, probably very different from yours. Ours includes heartache from infertility, miscarriage, and the loss of family members dear to us. We’ve felt the lowest of lows in our own way, but we also recognize that the greatest joys in life cannot be experienced unless one also knows the feeling of deep tragedy. As we look toward bringing a child into our home (hopefully your child), we know our hearts are able to experience the strongest degrees of joy because of the road we’ve walked. We also know you have the capacity to feel that joy too. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but we pray you will experience it in the not-too-distant future.
Why Adoption

Adoption was always in the back of our minds, though. After six years of fertility treatments, procedures, and a miscarriage, we began to pray seriously about adoption and if this route was God’s plan for our family.

Why Adoption
Brianna and Clark during their engagement photos.
As a young twenty-year-old, adoption was something that was strongly on Brianna’s heart. She knew that she would love to grow her family in this way someday and loved the beautiful picture that adoption showed to the world about God’s heart for His people. When we first got married in 2013, we discussed adoption as an option for our family but decided to try to grow our family biologically first. Adoption was always in the back of our minds, though. After six years of fertility treatments, procedures, and a miscarriage, we began to pray seriously about adoption and if this route was God’s plan for our family. During the height of COVID, we sought the Lord again for His plan for our family. After another heartbreaking medical procedure, we felt Him release our hearts to fully pursue adoption. Now, with fertility treatments behind us, we’re excited to be a part of God’s work through adoption in our own family!
Our Story

We talk about everything, enjoy being silly together, and are truly each other’s best friend.

Our Story
Brianna and Clark on their wedding day.
It was a dark and stormy night…just kidding! It was a perfectly normal Sunday afternoon about nine years ago. Brianna was working at our church as a preschool teacher, and Clark was visiting a worship service with his brother and sister-in-law. Clark had just moved to our city a few months before and was trying out new churches. Brianna was attending the evening service of the church since she had worked in the preschool that morning. Clark and Brianna started talking and hit it off! Clark talked about his college summers as a youth ministry intern, and Brianna’s heart was doing jumping jacks on the inside. (A guy with a ministry heart is hard to find!) Our first date was at a Red Robin on a Sunday after church several weeks later. We had both been in relationships before and were intentional about discussing important issues early on in our relationship. After four months of dating, Clark proposed two days before Brianna’s birthday on a paddle boat in her favorite park. Brianna was so surprised that she hesitated in responding…so much that the paddle boat floated towards the geyser in the middle of the pond and we both got wet! The first person we shared the good news with was the paddle boat attendant on the dock! Eight months later, we were married on a beautiful October day with friends and family surrounding. Since that day, our relationship has been characterized by fun, spontaneity, adventure, and love. We enjoy just spending time on the couch together as well as taking impromptu road trips across the United States. We talk about everything, enjoy being silly together, and are truly each other’s best friend.
Our Adventures

We love to travel and go on adventures. We both love the great outdoors and big city life, so we have explored a great deal of the country on road trips together.

Our Adventures
Brianna and Clark on one of their many adventures together.
We love to travel and go on adventures. We both love the great outdoors and big city life, so we have explored a great deal of the country on road trips together. The Grand Canyon, the Ozark Mountains, and Niagara Falls are just a few places we have visited. We also love to enjoy what cities like Nashville, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, and countless others have to offer. The truth is, it doesn’t matter where the adventure takes us. We just love each other’s company as we enjoy doing life together. In terms of hobbies, Clark likes to spend his time hunting and fishing when he has the time. He has grown to love those outdoor hobbies from spending time with his father as a child. Clark also enjoys announcing events and enjoys spending many Friday nights announcing varsity high school football games as well as other sporting events. Brianna has training in dance and has performed and taught dance for many years. She still takes dance classes when she has the time and enjoys watching performances.