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Popular Baby Names starting with R

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Reynold Counselor-ruler. Male English -
Reynolds Powerful judgement Male Irish -
Rez Copper - headed. Male Hungarian -
Reza Summer; From Theresa; Reaper Female Indian -
Reza Consent; Agreement Male Indian -
Reza consent, agreement Male Filipino -
Reza Wish, Assent, Good Will, Desire. Male Afghan -
Reza Wish Male Arabic -
Reza Wish Male Muslim -
Rezeph Pavement, burning coal. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Female Biblical -
Rezi Gatherer. Female Greek -
Rezin pleasant, delightful Male Hebrew -
Reznik Butcher. Male Czechoslovakian -
Rezsõ Male Hungarian -
Rezso Famous wolf. Male Teutonic -
Rhadamanthus A judge in the underworld. Male Greek -
Rhan Fate. Female Welsh -
Rhawn Coarse long hair. Female Welsh -
Rhea Mother of the gods. Female Latin -
Rhea The mother of the Greek god, Zeus. Wife of Cronus. Female Greek -
Rhea Singer Female Hindi -
Rhea Singer Male Indian -
Rhea Singer Female Indian -
Rhea stream, mother; poppy Female Greek, Latin Ria, Rea
Rhea Singer Female Assemese -
Rhea flowing Female Filipino -
Rhea Silva A Vestal Virgin. Female Latin -
Rheana Graceful Female Indian -
Rheda A goddess. Female Anglo -
Rhedyn Fern. Female Welsh -
Rheeya Singer Female Indian -
Rheged Legendary father of Gwres. Male Welsh -
Rheged Powerful. Male Anglo -
Rhegium Rupture, fracture. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Female Biblical -
Rhesa Will, course. Female Biblical -
Rhesus King of Thrace. Male Greek -
Rheta Speaker. Female Greek -
Rhete Speaker. Female Greek -
Rhett Form of Rhys: ardent; fiery. Rhett Butler was hero of Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind. Male Welsh -
Rhiain Maiden. Female Welsh -
Rhiamon witch Female Welsh Rhiannon
Rhiannon great queen, sacred queen, divine queen Female Welsh, Celtic -
Rhiannon Mythical daughter of Hefeydd. Female Celtic -
Rhiannon Nymph; goddess; pure maiden. Female Welsh -
Rhianwen Comely maiden. Female Welsh -
Rhianwyn Comely maiden. Female Welsh -
Rhinffrew Dwells near the still river. Male Welsh -
Rhioganedd Legendary a prince of Ireland. Male Welsh -
Rhisiart Welsh form of Richard 'strong ruler'. Male Welsh -
Rhithika Generous Female Indian -
Rhitu Season Female Indian -
Rhivu One who is Begotten Through a Boon Male Indian -
Rhobert Welsh form of Robert 'brilliant renown'. Male Welsh -
Rhoda A rose Female Biblical -
Rhoda rose Female Greek Rhodia, Rhodie, Rodie, Roe
Rhoda rose Female Filipino -
Rhoda Greek for Rose Female Indian -
Rhodantha Rose. Female Greek -
Rhodanthe flower of the rose bush Female Greek -
Rhode Daughter of Poseidon. Female Latin -
Rhodes dweller by the crosses; roses Male Middle-English, Greek -
Rhodes Lives near the crucifix. Male English -
Rhodia Rose. Female Greek -
Rhodos Daughter of Poseidon. Female Latin -
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