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Popular Baby Names, origin Biblical

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Aaron A teacher; lofty; mountain of strength Male Biblical -
Abaddon The destroyer Male Biblical -
Abagtha Father of the wine-press Male Biblical -
Abana Made of stone, a building Male Biblical -
Abarim Passages, passengers Male Biblical -
Abba Father Male Biblical -
Abda A servant, servitude. Male Biblical -
Abdeel A vapor, a cloud of God. Male Biblical -
Abdi My servant. Male Biblical -
Abdiel Servant of God Male Biblical -
Abdon Servant; cloud of judgment Male Biblical -
Abednego Servant of light; shining Male Biblical -
Abel Vanity, breath, vapor. Also a city, mourning' Male Biblical -
Abel-beth-maachah Mourning to the house of Maachah. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Abel-maim Mourning of waters. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Abel-meholah Mourning of sickness. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Abel-mizraim The mourning of Egyptians. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Abel-shittim Mourning of thorns. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Abez An egg, muddy. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Abi My father Male Biblical -
Abi-albon Most intelligent father Male Biblical -
Abiasaph Consuming father; gathering Male Biblical -
Abiathar Excellent father; father of the remnant Male Biblical -
Abib Green fruit, ears of corn. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Abidah Father of knowledge Male Biblical -
Abidan Father of judgment Male Biblical -
Abiel God my father Male Biblical -
Abiezer Father of help Male Biblical -
Abihail The father of strength Male Biblical -
Abihu He is my father Male Biblical -
Abihud Father of praise; confession Male Biblical -
Abijah The Lord is my father. Male Biblical -
Abijam Father of the sea Male Biblical -
Abilene The father of mourning Male Biblical -
Abimael A father sent from God Male Biblical -
Abimelech Father of the king Male Biblical -
Abinadab Father of a vow; or of willingness Male Biblical -
Abinoam Father of beauty Male Biblical -
Abiram High father; father of deceit Male Biblical -
Abishai The present of my father. Male Biblical -
Abishalom Father of peace Male Biblical -
Abishua Father of salvation Male Biblical -
Abishur Father of the wall; father of uprightness Male Biblical -
Abital The father of the dew; or of the shadow Male Biblical -
Abitub Father of goodness Male Biblical -
Abiud Father of praise Male Biblical -
Abner Father of light Male Biblical -
Abraham Father of a great multitude Male Biblical -
Abram High father Male Biblical -
Absalom Father of peace Male Biblical -
Accad A vessel, pitcher, spark. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Accho Close, pressed together. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Aceldama Field of blood. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Achab Brother of the father Male Biblical -
Achaia Grief, trouble. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Achaicus A native of Achaia, sorrowing, sad. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Achan He that troubleth Male Biblical -
Achar He that troubleth Male Biblical -
Achaz One that takes or possesses. Male Biblical -
Achbor A rat; bruising Male Biblical -
Achim Preparing, revenging, confirming. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Achish Thus it is, how is this. Male Biblical -
Achmetha Brother of death Male Biblical -
Achor Trouble. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
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