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Popular Baby Names starting with S

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Stanbury From the stone fortress. Male English -
StancIyf From the rocky diff. Male English -
Stancliff From the rocky diff. Male English -
Standish From the stony park. Male English -
Stands Camp glory. Male Czechoslovakian -
Stanedisc From the stony park. Male English -
Stanfeld From the stony field. Male English -
Stanfield From the stony field. Male English -
Stanford Stony ford; stony meadow. Surname. Male English -
Stanhop From the stony hollow. Male English -
Stanhope From the stony hollow. Male English -
Stanislas Glorious camp. Male Polish -
Stanislas Military glory. Male Slavic -
Stanislaus Variant of Stanislas: Glorious camp. Male Polish -
Stanislaus Military glory. Male Slavic -
Stanislav Military glory. Male Slavic -
Stanislav Camp glory. Male Czechoslovakian -
Stanislava Star. Female Latin -
Stanislaw camp glory; stone clearing Male Polish, Old-English Stanislao, Stanislau, Stanislav, Stanislaus, Stanislav, Sztaniszláv, Stanislas, Stanislavsky, Stan, Aineislis, Stasio
Stanislov Glory. Male Russian -
Stanko Male Slowenian -
Stanley from the rocky meadow Male Old-English Stanly, Stanleigh, Stanbury, Stanberry, Standish, Stanfield, Stanford, Stanhope, Stanmore, Stanton, Stanway, Stanwick, Stanwyck
Stanley from the stony field Male Filipino -
Stanley Stony field; lives by the stony grove. Male English -
Stanley Lives by the Stony Meadow; Rocky Meadow or from the Stony Field Male Indian -
Stanley 'Henry VI, Part 2' Sir John Stanley. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part III' Sir William Stanley. 'King Richard III' Lord Stanley, called also Earl of Derby. Male Shakespearean -
Stanly Lives by the stony grove. Male English -
Stannes Military glory. Male Slavic -
Stansie Constant. Female Italian -
Stanton Stony meadow. Surname. Male English -
Stantun From the stony farm. Male English -
Stanway Lives by the stony road. Male English -
Stanweg Lives by the stony road. Male English -
Stanwic From the stony village. Male English -
Stanwick From the stony village. Male English -
Stanwik From the stony village. Male English -
Stanwode From the stony forest. Male English -
Stanwood From the stony forest. Male English -
Stanwyk From the stony village. Male English -
Star Star. Female English -
Star star Both Filipino -
Star Star. Female Latin -
Starbuck Star deer. Male English -
Starling A bird. Male English -
Starls Star. Female English -
Starr Star. Female English -
Starr Star. Male English -
Starveling 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' Starveling, a tailor, acts as Moonshine in the play within the play. Male Shakespearean -
Stas Military glory. Male Slavic -
Stasia Shall be reborn. Female Greek -
Stasio Stand of glory. Male Slavic -
Staunton From the stony farm. Male English -
Stavan Worship; Praise; Eulogy Male Indian -
Stavita Praised Female Indian -
Stavros Victorious. Male Greek -
Stavya Lord Vishnu Male Indian -
Steadman Severe. Male Anglo -
Steafan Victorious. Male Greek -
Steaphan Crown; wreath. Variant of Stephen. Male Gaelic -
Stearc Dwells at the farm. Male Anglo -
Stearn Austere. Male English -
Steathford From the landing ford. Male English -
Stedeman Owns a farm. Male English -
Stedman Owns a farm. Male English -
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