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Popular Baby Names

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Trixie bringer of joy Female Filipino -
Trixie Brings joy. Abbreviation of Beatrix. Female English -
Trixy Happy. Female Latin -
Triya Young Woman Female Indian -
Triya Young Girl Female Hindi -
Triyama Night Female Bengali -
Triyama Night Female Indian -
Triyambaka Lord Shiva Male Indian -
Triyog Controlling All Three Dimension Male Indian -
Troas Penetrated. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Female Biblical -
Troi Troy derives from the ancient Greek city of Troy; also from an Irish surname meaning 'soldier.'. Male English -
Troilus 'The History of Troilus and Cressida' King Priam's son. Male Shakespearean -
Troilus place name Male French -
Tron Growing. Male Norse -
Trond Growing. Male Norse -
Trong respected Male Vietnamese -
Trophimus Well educated, well brought up. Female Biblical -
Trophonius Brother of Agamedes. Male Greek -
Trowbrydge From the tree bridge. Male English -
Trowhridge From the tree bridge. Male English -
Troy Troy derives from the ancient Greek city of Troy; also from an Irish surname meaning 'soldier.'. Male English -
Troy Curly haired. Male French -
Troy From Troy (ancient city). Male Greek -
Troy water or foot soldier Male Filipino -
Troy place name Female French -
Troy Foot soldier Male Irish -
Troye Troy derives from the ancient Greek city of Troy; also from an Irish surname meaning 'soldier.'. Male English -
Troyes Curly haired. Male French -
Truc wish Female Vietnamese -
Truda Fighting woman. Female German -
Trudchen Fighting woman. Female German -
Trude Fighting woman. Female German -
Trudel Strong. Female Danish -
Trudi Diminutive of Ermintrude: Universal strength. From the Old German 'ermin' meaning universal, and 'drudi' meaning strength. Female German -
Trudie Diminutive of Ermintrude: Universal strength. From the Old German 'ermin' meaning universal, and 'drudi' meaning strength. Female German -
Trudord From the spearman's ford. Male Norse -
Trudy Diminutive of Ermintrude: Universal strength. From the Old German 'ermin' meaning universal, and 'drudi' meaning strength. Female German -
Trudy beloved Female Old-English -
TRUE Loyal. Male English -
Truesdale From the beloved one's farm. Male English -
Truesdell From the beloved one's farm. Male English -
Truitestall From the beloved one's farm. Male English -
Truman Loyal. Male English -
Truman faithful man Male Filipino -
Truman disciple Male Old-English Truesdale, True, Trueman
Trumbald Strong or bold. Male English -
Trumble Strong or bold. Male English -
Trumen Loyal. Male English -
Trumhall Strong or bold. Male English -
Trung middle; central Male Vietnamese -
Trupt Satisfied Male Indian -
Trupti Satisfaction Male Indian -
Trupti Female Hindu -
Trupti Satiated-ness Female Indian -
Trupti satiatedness Female Assemese -
Trupti Satiatedness Female Hindi -
Truptimayee Pleasure Female Indian -
Trusha Thirst Female Indian -
Trusha Female Hindu -
Trusha Thirst Female Hindi -
Trushna Hunger Female Indian -
Trushti Satisfied Female Indian -
Tryamon A fairy princess. Female Arthurian-Legend -
Trygg True. Male Norse -
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