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Popular Baby Names

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Absara N/A Female Indian -
Abshar Eyesight, vision Male Muslim -
Absi Probably from ABASA to frown; this was the name of Abdullah ibn-Musa, a scholar and reciter of the Quran, died 828/829 Male Muslim -
Absi the name of Abdullah ibn-Musa Male Arabic -
Absolon The father is peace, or father of peace. Form of Hebrew Absolom who was son of Old Testament King David. Became popular in the 12th century. Male French -
Absyrtus Brother of Medea. Male Greek -
Abthal Warrior Male Muslim -
Abthi One who lives in Abtah, a place near Makkah. Male Arabic -
Abtin / Abteen A character in Shahnamah, Feraidon's father. Male Afghan -
Abu al Khayr One who does good Male Arabic -
Abu al Khayr One who does good Male Muslim -
Abu Bakar Name of one of the Prophets companions Male Muslim -
Abu Farhan Keeper Male Muslim -
Abu Hirzan Effort, strive Male Muslim -
Abu Juhdi Effort, Endeavour Male Muslim -
Abu Najdi Helpful Male Muslim -
Abubakar Noble. Male Egyptian -
AbuBakr The Companion of Prophet Mohammed Male Indian -
Abudemio Male Assyrian -
Abukcheech Mouse (Algonquin). Male Native-American -
Abul Auni Helpful Male Muslim -
Abul Hassan The Son Of Ali. Male Arabic -
Abul Khairi Goodness Male Muslim -
Abul Khayr One who does good Male Arabic -
Abul Wardi Person who likes roses Male Muslim -
Abul-Hassan The Son Of Ali Male Muslim -
AbulHassan The Son of Ali Male Indian -
AbulKhayr One who does Good Male Indian -
Abundiantus plentiful Male Latin Abbondanzio, Abbondazio, Abbondio
Abussyamili Collector Male Muslim -
Abyad A narrator of hadith was so named Male Muslim -
Abyad A narrator of hadith was so named. Male Arabic -
Abyan Clear, Eloquent Male Arabic -
Abyan Elequent Male Muslim -
Abyan Very Clean Male Indian -
Abyat Poem Male Muslim -
Abyaz White Male Indian -
Abydos From Abydos. Male Greek -
Abygail a form of Abigail Female Hebrew -
Abzar Powerful; Mighty Male Indian -
Abzari Seeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows; Male Arabic -
Abzari Seeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows; the Persian scribe and memoriser of tradition, Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim had this name Male Muslim -
Acab uncle Male Hebrew -
Acacia thorny, naive Female Greek Acazia, Acatia
Acacio the Lord holds Male Hebrew Achazio
Academia Named for Cicero's villa. Female Latin -
Acadia Cadie, Caddie Female Canadian -
Acair Anchor. Male Scottish -
Acaiseid Anchor. Male Scottish -
Acala The Immovable One Female Indian -
Acala The Immovable One Male Indian -
Acalan Canoe; Without Moving; Immovable Male Indian -
Acalapati Lord of the Immovable; Lord of Mountain Male Indian -
Acalapati Lord Of The Immovable, Lord Of Mountain. Male Assemese -
Acalendra Lord Of The Immovable, The Himalayas Male Assemese -
Acalendra Lord of the Immovable; The Himalayas Male Indian -
Acalesvara God of the Immoveable Male Indian -
Acananas N/A Male Indian -
Acanda Not of the Hot Temper; Without Anger; Gentle Male Indian -
Acanit hard times Female Ugandan -
Acantha thorny Female Greek -
Acario ungrateful Male Latin Acharius
Acarnania From Arcanania. Female Latin -
Acarya Teacher, Another Name For Drona, Asvaghosa And Krpa Male Assemese -
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