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Popular Baby Names starting with M for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Manasa Mind Female Hindi -
Manasa Conceived In The Mind Female Bengali -
Manasa Conceived In The Mind Female Assemese -
Manasa Name of a Lake in Himalaya Female Indian -
Manashvi Intelligent Female Indian -
Manasi A Lady Female Indian -
Manasi A Lady Female Hindi -
Manasi Female Hindu -
Manasika Of Mind Female Indian -
Manasvee Intelligent Female Indian -
Manasvi That which Controls Mind Female Indian -
Manasvi Intelligent Female Bengali -
Manasvini Durga; Proud; Good Female Indian -
Manasvita Desires Intelligence Female Indian -
Manaswi Motherly Love Female Indian -
Manaswini High Minded Female Indian -
Manaswita Desires Intelligence Female Indian -
Manavazhagi Bird Female Indian -
Manavi Wife of Manu; Daughtter of Man Female Indian -
Manavi Female Hindu -
Manayi Wife of Manu Female Indian -
Manda lovable, harmony; saturn, god of the occult Female Latin, Hindu -
Manda Lovable. Female Latin -
Manda Abbreviation of Amanda, meaning worthy of being loved. Female English -
Manda A River Female Hindi -
Manda A River Female Indian -
Manda A river Female Bengali -
Manda A river Female Assemese -
Mandaakini An Indian River Female Indian -
Mandagini N/A Female Indian -
Mandahasa A Lady Female Indian -
Mandakini A River Female Indian -
Mandakini A River Female Hindi -
Mandalyn Abbreviation of Amanda, meaning worthy of being loved. Female English -
Mandana Cheerful Female Indian -
Mandana Cheerful Female Bengali -
Mandana Cheerful Female Assemese -
Mandara mythical tree Female Hindu -
Mandara Calm Female Hindi -
Mandara Mythical Tree Female Indian -
Mandaraa A Smile Female Indian -
Mandarmalika A garland of celestial Female Assemese -
Mandarmalika A River Female Indian -
Mandavi Wife of Bharat Female Indian -
Mandavi Wife Of Bharat Female Hindi -
Mandeep Light of Heart Female Indian -
Mandeep light of heart Female Sikh -
Mandeepa Light Of Heart Female Assemese -
Mandeepa Light of Heart Female Indian -
Mandeepa Light Of Heart Female Bengali -
Mandhodari Wife of Ravana; One who can Digest Secrets Female Indian -
Mandi Abbreviation of Amanda, meaning worthy of being loved. Female English -
Mandie Abbreviation of Amanda, meaning worthy of being loved. Female English -
Mandip Light of Sages Female Indian -
Mandipa Praised for his Intelligence Female Indian -
Mandira Melody; Cymbals; Home Female Indian -
Mandira Melody Female Hindi -
Mandisa Sweet. Female Egyptian -
Mandisa sweet Female African -
Manditha Adorned Female Indian -
Manditha Adorned Female Assemese -
Mandodari With Narrow Abdomen; Ravan Wife Female Indian -
Mandovi A Smile Female Indian -
Mandra Pleasant Female Indian -
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