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Popular Baby Names starting with N for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Nasira Victorious; Helper Female Indian -
Nasira Victorious, helper Female Muslim -
Nasirah Helper, protector Female Muslim -
Nasmah Breeze Female Muslim -
Nasmah Breeze Female Arabic -
Nason Helper, entry-way. Female Biblical -
Nasra Helper Female Muslim -
Nasra Helper. Female Arabic -
Nasreen Wild rose Female Arabic -
Nasreen Wild Rose Female Muslim -
Nasrin Eglantier Female Muslim -
Nasrin Blue scented flower Female Arabic -
Nasrin / Nasreen A flower (a wild rose). Female Afghan -
Nasrullah Victory of Allah. Female Arabic -
Nasrullah Victory of Allah Female Muslim -
Nastaran A flower much like a wild rose. Female Afghan -
Nasya Miracle Female Hebrew -
Nata Snake Female Indian -
Natala Born at Christmas. Female Italian -
Natalee Birthday; especially the birthday of Christ. Female Latin -
Natalee Birthday; especially the birthday of Christ. Female French -
Natali Princess Female Indian -
Natalia born on Christmas day Female Filipino -
Natalia Bom at Christmas. Female Latin -
Natalie Christmas Day Female Indian -
Natalie birthday, child born at Christmas Female Latin Nataly, Natalee, Nataleigh, Natalia, Natalya, Natala, Nataline, Nathalia, Nathalie, Noel, Noelle, Novella, Natasha, Natosha, Natashi, Tosha, Tosh, Natasa, Natashia, Natalja, Natassia, Nastassia, Natividad, Netty, Nettie, Natty, Tally, Tallie, Tasha, Talia
Natalie Born at Christmas. Female French -
Natalie, Nathalie born on Christmas day Female Filipino -
Natalii Born at Christmas. Female French -
Natana Makes Others Dance Female Indian -
Natanamani A Dancer Female Indian -
Natanasundari Dance Female Indian -
Natane daughter Female Arapaho Indian -
Natania Gift of God Female Hebrew -
Nataniella gift of God Female Hebrew Natanielle, Nathania, Natania, Nathanielle
Natara Guardian Female Arabic -
Natasha Strong Female Arabic -
Natasha Born at Christmas. Female Greek -
Natasha Child Of Christmas Female Hindi -
Natasha Strong Female Muslim -
Natasha Variant of Natalia: Bom at Christmas. Female Latin -
Natasha Child of christmas; Born on Christmas Female Bengali -
Natasha Child of Christmas Female Indian -
Natassia Born at Christmas. Female Greek -
Natesa Dance Lord Female Hindi -
Natesa Lord of Dance Female Indian -
Nateshwari The Consort of Nateshwara Female Indian -
Nathacha Born at Christmas. Female Greek -
Nathalee Birthday; especially the birthday of Christ. Female French -
Nathalee Birthday; especially the birthday of Christ. Female Latin -
Nathalia Birthday; especially the birthday of Christ. Female French -
Nathalie Birthday; especially the birthday of Christ. Female French -
Nathalie Bom at Christmas. Female Latin -
Nathaly Birthday; especially the birthday of Christ. Female French -
Nathasya N/A Female Indian -
Nathifa Pure, Clean Female Arabic -
Nathifa One who is pure Female African -
Nathifa Pure. Female Egyptian -
Nathifa Clean, pure Female Muslim -
Nathika N/A Female Indian -
Nathiya Eternal Female Indian -
Nati Bowing; Humble Female Indian -
Natika Consisting of Dancer and Actors Female Indian -
Natisha Star Female Indian -
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