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Popular Baby Names starting with R for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
R&eacent;va Female Unknown -
Ra Doe. Female English -
Raaadhika Love of Krishna Female Indian -
Raadhaa Radha; Krishna's Beloved Female Indian -
Raadhika Krishna's Girlfriend Female Indian -
Raadhiya Lover of Krishna; Satisfied Female Indian -
Raaga Belongs to Music Terms Female Indian -
Raagini Music Female Indian -
Raahi Good Companion Female Indian -
Raaida Leader Female Indian -
Raaisha Leader; Goddess Female Indian -
Raaka Full Moon Female Indian -
Raaka Full moon Female Assemese -
Raaka Full moon Female Bengali -
Raakhee N/A Female Indian -
Raakhi Symbol of Protection; Full Moon in the Sravan Month Female Indian -
Raakhi symbol of protection Female Assemese -
Raakhi symbol of protection Female Bengali -
Raakin Respectful Female Indian -
Raameen Obedient Female Arabic -
Raameen Obedient Female Muslim -
Raamiah Thunder, or evil, from the Lord. Female Biblical -
Raanana Fresh Female Hebrew -
Raashi Sign of the Zodiac Female Indian -
Raatri Night Female Indian -
Raavee Awesome Female Indian -
Raavi A River Female Indian -
Raawiya Transmitter Female Indian -
Raawiya Transmitter of ancient Arabic poetry Female Arabic -
Rabab White clouds Female Arabic -
Rabab White Cloud Female Indian -
Rabab White cloud Female Muslim -
Rabah Fourth born Female Hebrew -
Rabail A veil of flowers Female Arabic -
Rabani Divine Female Indian -
Rabbiya Cool breeze of spring season Female Arabic -
Rabecca a form of Rebecca Female Hebrew -
Rabeea Springtime, garden Female Arabic -
Rabeea Garden Female Bengali -
Rabeea Garden Female Indian -
Rabeea Springtime, garden Female Muslim -
Rabeeha Gainful Female Arabic -
Rabhya Worshipped Female Indian -
Rabhya Worshipped Female Hindi -
Rabhya Worshipped Female Assemese -
Rabia Spring, Springtime Female Muslim -
Rabia Famous; Godly Female Indian -
Rabia Historical name Female Arabic -
Rabia / Rabea Spring. Female Afghan -
Rabiah Born in the spring. Female Egyptian -
Rabiah Spring breeze Female African -
Rabiah, Rabeea Garden, springtime Female Muslim -
Rabitah Bond, tie Female Muslim -
Rabitah Bond, tie Female Arabic -
Rabiya Princess, Queen Female Arabic -
Rabiya Princess, Queen Female Muslim -
Rabiyah Hill Female Muslim -
Rabiyah Hill Female Arabic -
Raca Worthless, good-for-nothing. Female Biblical -
Rach ewe Female Filipino -
Rachael a form of Rachel Female Hebrew -
Rachael Ewe Female Indian -
Rachael, Rachel ewe Female Filipino -
Rachal a form of Rachel Female Hebrew -
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