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Popular Baby Names for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Celicia Variant of Celia or Selena. One of seven mythological daughters of Atlas transformed by Zeus into stars of the Pleiades constellation. Female Latin -
Celie Variant of Cecilia - blind. Female French -
Celina Variant of Celine: French form of the Latin 'caelum' meaning sky or heaven. Also a variant of Celia or Selena. Female French -
Celina Variant of Selina: Moon goddess. Female Greek -
Celina Heaven Female Indian -
Celina Hammer. Also Variant of Celia or Selena. One of seven mythological daughters of Atlas transformed by Zeus into stars of the Pleiades constellation. Female Latin -
Celinda Variant of Celia or Selena. One of seven mythological daughters of Atlas transformed by Zeus into stars of the Pleiades constellation. Female Latin -
Celine Hammer or of the heavens. Female Latin -
Celine heaven Female Filipino -
Celine Female Unknown -
Celine French form of the Latin 'caelum' meaning sky or heaven. Also a variant of Celia or Selena. Female French -
Celinna Variant of Celia or Selena. One of seven mythological daughters of Atlas transformed by Zeus into stars of the Pleiades constellation. Female Latin -
Celosia Buming. Female Greek -
Cendrillon Of the ashes. Female French -
Cenobia Stranger. Female Greek -
Cerdwin the mother Goddess Female Celtic -
Cerelia of the spring Female Latin -
Cerelia Fertile. Female Italian -
Cerelia Mistress; lady. Feminine of Cyril. Female English -
Cerella Mistress; lady. Feminine of Cyril. Female English -
Ceres Another name for Demeter. Female Greek -
Ceres Goddess of the harvest; Of the spring. Mythological Roman goddess of agriculture and fertility. Female Latin -
Ceri Variant of Cyril. Female Italian -
Ceria Variant of Cyril. Female Italian -
Ceridwen From 'cerdd' meaning poetry and 'gwen' meaning fair or white. Famous bearer: Ceridwen, the Welsh goddess of poetic inspiration. Female Welsh -
Cerise Cherry; cherry red. Female French -
Cermaka Robin. Female Czechoslovakian -
Cerys Variant of Carys: Love. Female Welsh -
Cestus Aphrodite's girdle. Female Greek -
Ceto Goddess of the sea. Female Greek -
Chaamundee N/A Female Indian -
Chaand The Moon Female Indian -
Chaandanee N/A Female Indian -
Chaaru N/A Female Indian -
Chaarvi Beautiful Girl; Sanskrit Female Indian -
Chaaya Shadow Female Indian -
Chaaya Shadow Female Hindi -
Chaba Life Female Hebrew -
Chabah Life Female Hebrew -
Chabbi Picture Female Indian -
Chabela a form of Isabel Female Hebrew -
Chaddalika N/A Female Indian -
Chadna Love Female Indian -
Chadna Love Female Assemese -
Chaem Choi gracefulness Female Thai -
Chahana Desire; Affection Female Indian -
Chahat Wish Female Indian -
Chaheti Lovely; Lovable for All Female Indian -
Chahna Love Female Indian -
Chahna Love Female Hindi -
Chahna Love Female Assemese -
Chai This name signifries "life." Female Hebrew -
Chai Charoen triumphant Female Thai -
Chailai pretty Female Thai -
Chaina Peace Female Indian -
Chainika Specially Selected; Chosen One Female Indian -
Chairavali Full Moon of Chaitra Month Female Indian -
Chaisee innocent Female Thai -
Chaitaalee N/A Female Indian -
Chaitalee Girl Born in Month of Chaitra Female Indian -
Chaitali Born in the Month of Chaitra Female Indian -
Chaitali A Season; Born In The Chaitra Month Female Hindi -
Chaitali Born in the Chaitra month Female Bengali -
Chaitaly Female Hindu -
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