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Popular Baby Names for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Chatri Umbrella Female Indian -
Chattie Diminutive of Charlotte: A feminine form of Charles, meaning man. Alternate meaning, tiny and feminine. Famous bearers: Princess Charlotte, daughter of King George IV; British writer Charlotte Bronte. Female French -
Chatura Clever Female Indian -
Chaturi Clever Female Indian -
Chau pearls Female Vietnamese -
Chaundra N/A Female Indian -
Chaunta One who Outshines the Stars Female Indian -
Chaunte Singer. To sing. Song. Female French -
Chauntel Singer. To sing. Song. Female French -
Chausiki Born at night Female African -
Chava Life Female Hebrew -
Chaveevan beautiful complexion Female Thai -
Chavi Shadow Female Indian -
Chavisha Character Female Indian -
Chaviva Beloved or dearly loved Female Hebrew -
Chavive Beloved or dearly loved Female Hebrew -
Chavon a form of Jane Female Hebrew -
Chavonne a form of Chavon Female Hebrew -
Chavy little angel Female Cambodian -
Chaxu Eyes Female Indian -
Chay man Female Old-German -
Chaya life Female Hebrew -
Chaya glorious; praise Female Cambodian -
Chaya Alive; Living; Lustre; Beauty Female Indian -
Chayana Moon Female Indian -
Chayana Moon Female Assemese -
Chayana Moon Female Bengali -
Chayanika The Chosen One Female Indian -
Chayka Life Female Hebrew -
Chayla Fairy Female Indian -
Chaylen Female Unknown Aylen
Chea to be well; healthy Female Cambodian -
Chedva Joyous Female Hebrew -
Cheena Pure White Marble Female Indian -
Chehrah Face, cheek, countenance. Female Afghan -
Chekriya N/A Female Indian -
Chelan Beautiful Lake Female Indian -
Chelinda Tristan's grandmother. Female Arthurian-Legend -
Chelinde Tristan's grandmother. Female Arthurian-Legend -
Chellam Pampered Female Bengali -
Chellam Pampered Female Indian -
Chellamani Precious Gem Female Indian -
Chellamari N/A Female Indian -
Chelsa Place name; a London district. Female English -
Chelsa, Chelsea port for limestone or chalk Female Filipino -
Chelsea river landing place, port Female Old-English Chelsie, Kelsie, Kelsey, Kelsy
Chelsea Port. Female Anglo -
Chelsea Seaport. Place name; a London district. Female English -
Chelsea Port Female Indian -
Chelsee Place name; a London district. Female English -
Chelsey Place name; a London district. Female English -
Chelsi Place name; a London district. Female English -
Chelsie Place name; a London district. Female English -
Chelsy Place name; a London district. Female English -
Chemarin girl in black Female Hebrew -
Chembi N/A Female Indian -
Chemmoli Flawless Female Bengali -
Chemmoli Flawless Female Assemese -
Chenbaga N/A Female Indian -
Chenbagam N/A Female Indian -
Chenda thought; intelligence Female Cambodian -
Chenelle Canal; channel. The popular perfume Chanel. Female French -
Chenguang morning light Female Chinese -
Chenoa white dove Female Native-American -
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