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Popular Baby Names for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Chizu one thousand storks Female Japanese -
Chloe blooming Female Greek Cloe
Chloe Green Shoot; Blooming Female Indian -
Chloe-may Green Shoot; Month of May; Princess Female Indian -
Chloris Blooming. Mythological goddess of flowers or spring. Female Greek -
Chloris pale Female Old-German Cloris
Chndraja Daughter of the Moon Female Indian -
Cho butterfly Female Japanese -
Cho beautiful Female Korean -
Chodana N/A Female Indian -
Chodayitri N/A Female Indian -
Choksha Pure; Clean Female Indian -
Chola N/A Female Indian -
Cholaiyammal Garden Girl,A SeeA Solaiyammal Female Bengali -
Cholakin N/A Female Indian -
Chomechai beautiful girl Female Thai -
Chomesri gathering of beauty Female Thai -
Choodaamani A Jewel Worn on Head Female Indian -
Choon-Hee spring girl Female Korean -
Choska N/A Female Indian -
Choum refreshingly beautiful Female Cambodian -
Chris Diminutive of Christine: A variant of Christina. In the 1950s, Christine was one of the three most common feminine names in Britain. Famous people: American tennis player Chris Lloyd. Female English -
Chriselda Strong. Female German -
Chrisitta N/A Female Indian -
Chrissa Follower of Christ or anointed Female Irish -
Chrissie Follower of Christ or anointed Female Irish -
Chrissie Diminutive of Christina, Christine, or any feminine name beginning with Chris-. Female English -
Chrissy Diminutive of Christina, Christine, or any feminine name beginning with Chris-. Female English -
Chrissy Follower of Christ or anointed Female Irish -
Christa Follower of Christ or anointed Female Irish -
Christa Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female Latin -
Christa Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female English -
Christa Anointed one; a Christian. Female Greek -
Christabel Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female English -
Christabel beautiful christian Female Latin -
Christabella Beautiful Christian. Female Latin -
Christahel Beautiful Christian, from 'Christus' meaning Christ and 'bella' meaning beautiful. Famous bearers: S. T. Coleridge's poem Christabel; British suffragette Christabel Pankhurst. Female Latin -
Christahella Beautiful. Female Latin -
Christan Variant of Christian. Follower of Christ. Female English -
Christana Variant of Christian. Follower of Christ. Female English -
Christanne Variant of Christian. Follower of Christ. Female English -
Christeen Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female English -
Christeen Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female Latin -
Christeena Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female Latin -
Christeena Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female English -
Christen Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female English -
Christen Christian. Female Greek -
Christen Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female Latin -
Christena Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female Latin -
Christena Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female English -
Christene Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female English -
Christene Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female Latin -
Christi Follower of Christ or anointed Female Irish -
Christian Follower of Christ or anointed Female Irish -
Christian From 'Christianus' meaning Christian. Variant of Christiana, meaning Follower of Christ. Female Latin -
Christian Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ. Female English -
Christian Christian. Follower of Christ. Female Greek -
Christiana Christian. Follower of Christ. Female Greek -
Christiane Christian. Female Greek -
Christiane Follower of Christ. Female French -
Christiane Christ bearer Female Filipino -
Christianna Follower of Christ. Female Greek -
Christie Feminine form of Christopher: From the Greek word meaning 'carrier of Christ', Famous bearer: St Christopher, patron Saint of travellers, is believed to have carried the Christ-child across a river. Female Greek -
Christie Diminutives of any masculine or feminine name begining with Christ-, for example Christahel, Christian, or Christopher. Female English -
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