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Popular Baby Names for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Dawa Born on a Monday Female Indian -
Dawlat Khatoon She was from a ruling family Female Arabic -
Dawlat Khatoon She was from a ruling family Female Muslim -
Dawn Sun Arising Female Indian -
Dawn Aurora. The first appearance of daylight; daybreak. Dawn. From the English word dawn. Female English -
Dawn Awakening. Female Anglo -
Dawn dawn Female Old-English -
Dawna The first appearance of daylight; daybreak. Female English -
Dawne The first appearance of daylight; daybreak. Female English -
Dawnelle The first appearance of daylight; daybreak. Female English -
Dawnetta The first appearance of daylight; daybreak. Female English -
Dawnette The first appearance of daylight; daybreak. Female English -
Dawnielle The first appearance of daylight; daybreak. Female English -
Dawnika The first appearance of daylight; daybreak. Female English -
Daya Kindness, Mercy, Pity Female Hindi -
Daya Kindness; Mercy; Pity Female Indian -
Daya bird Female Hebrew -
Dayaanidhi Lord Siva Female Indian -
Dayalu Kindness; Mercy; Pity Female Indian -
Dayamani Kindness Female Indian -
Dayamayee Kind Female Indian -
Dayamayi Merciful Female Indian -
Dayamayi Merciful Female Assemese -
Dayanita Tender Female Bengali -
Dayanita Tender Female Indian -
Dayashree Masterful Teacher Female Indian -
Dayavati Full of Mercy Female Indian -
Dayita Beloved Female Indian -
Dayita Beloved Female Hindi -
Dayla to draw water, branch or bough Female Hebrew -
Dayle Lives in the valley. Small valley. Female English -
Dayna From Denmark. Also a variant of Daniel. Female English -
Dayne From Denmark. Also a variant of Daniel. Female English -
Dayo Joy arrives Female African -
Daysi Day's eye. A flower name. Female English -
Dea Goddess; Valley Female Indian -
Dea Roma Goddess of Rome. Female Latin -
Deana From the valley. Variant of Diana meaning divine. Female English -
Deanda Blend of Deanne: (divine) plus variants of Andrea: (masculine) and Sandra: (protector of man. ). Female English -
Deandra Blend of Deanne: (divine) plus variants of Andrea: (masculine) and Sandra: (protector of man. ). Female English -
Deandrea Blend of Deanne: (divine) plus variants of Andrea: (masculine) and Sandra: (protector of man. ). Female English -
Deandria Blend of Deanne: (divine) plus variants of Andrea: (masculine) and Sandra: (protector of man. ). Female English -
Deane From the valley. Variant of Diana meaning divine. Female English -
Deann Variant of Diana meaning divine. Female English -
Deanna From the valley. Variant of Diana meaning divine. Female English -
Deanna Variant of Diana: Fertile. God, devine. Famous bearer: Diana was the Roman goddess of fertility and childbirth, of hunting, and the moon. Female Latin -
Deanna presiding official, valley Female Latin, Old-English Deane, Deanna, Deana, Deanne, Deena
Deanne Variant of Diana meaning divine. Female English -
Deanne Variant of Diane: The French form of the Latin Diana. Mythological ancient Roman divinity Diana was noted for beauty and swiftness; often depicted as a huntress. Greek goddess of the moon. Female French -
Deardriu Raging. Female Gaelic -
Debanshi Deva Ansh Female Indian -
Debashmita One who can Smile and Make People Smile Like God Female Indian -
Debbie A Bee; Form of Deborah Female Indian -
Debbie Popularized as an independent name in the 1950s by American actress Debbie Reynolds. Female English -
Debbie Bee Female Hebrew -
Debby Bee Female Hebrew -
Debi Goddess Female Indian -
Debi Goddess Female Bengali -
Debjani Beloved Female Indian -
Debopriya God's Favourite Female Indian -
Debora Bee Female Hebrew -
Deborah Queen Bee Female Indian -
Deborah a bee, to speak kind words Female Hebrew Debra, Debrah, Debbie, Debby, Deb, Debo, Devora, Devorah
Debotri Submitted to Three Gods Female Indian -
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