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Popular Baby Names for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Saydee a form of Sadie Female Hebrew -
Sayee Friend Female Indian -
Sayeeda Leader Female Indian -
Sayeeda Happy, lucky Female Arabic -
Sayeesha N/A Female Indian -
Sayichitra N/A Female Indian -
Sayoko child of Sayo Female Japanese -
Sayona To Decorate Female Indian -
Sayra a form of Sarah Female Hebrew -
Sayuri Flower Female Bengali -
Sayuri little lily Female Japanese -
Sayuri Flower Female Indian -
Sayyida Lady Female Muslim -
Sayyidah Lady, woman Female Muslim -
Sazia Angry Female Indian -
Scarlet Red. Female English -
Scarlet deep red Female Middle-English Scarlett
Scarlett red Female Filipino -
Scarlett Red. One who wears or sells scarlet cloth. Famous Bearers: Margaret Mitchell's heroine (Scarlett O'Hara) in 'Gone With the Wind'. Female English -
Scelflesh From the edge meadow. Female English -
Sceva Disposed, prepared. Female Biblical -
Schaaph Fleeing, thinking. Female Biblical -
Schaely Fairy Forte Female Indian -
Schlomit Tranquil Female Hebrew -
Schmetterling butterfly Female German -
Scholastica Scholar. Female Latin -
Schyler Sheltering. Female Dutch -
Scota an Irish woman Female Latin -
Scota Scotland Female Irish -
Scylla A sea monster. Female Greek -
Sealtiel my desire is God Female Hebrew -
Seana Gift from God. Female Gaelic -
Seana God is gracious Female Irish -
Seanna God's grace, sixth Female Celtic Shawna, Shawny, Shawnie, Shawnna, Shaune, Shauna, Siana, Shay
Seanna God is gracious Female Filipino -
Searlait petitet Female French -
Searlait Manly Female Irish -
Searria N/A Female Indian -
Season planting time Female Latin -
Season planting and growing Female Filipino -
Sebastene Adored. Female Greek -
Sebastiana Adored. Female Greek -
Sebastiana Majestic. Female Latin -
Sebastiana Feminine form of Sebastiano: revered. Female Italian -
Sebastiane Majestic. Female Latin -
Sebastianne revered one Female Latin Sebastiana, Sebastiane, Sebastiona
Sebastiene Feminine form of Sebastiano: revered. Female Italian -
Sebastienne Adored. Female Greek -
Sebat Twig, scepter, tribe. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Female Biblical -
Sebille A fairy. Female Arthurian-Legend -
Secacah Shadow, covering, defense. Female Biblical -
Sechu Defense, bough. Female Biblical -
Secuba Born second. Female Latin -
Secundus Second. Female Biblical -
Seda wife of Rama Female Cambodian -
Seda forest voices Female Armenian -
Sediqa / Sedeeqa Friend, truthful, pious. Female of Sediq. Female Afghan -
Seela Mountain Female Indian -
Seem Name of a flower Female Arabic -
Seema symbol Female Greek, Hindu -
Seema Limit, Border Female Hindi -
Seema Limit; Border Female Indian -
Seemanti Parting Line Female Indian -
Seemantini Woman Female Indian -
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