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Popular Baby Names for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Shamila One of friendly and likable nature Female Muslim -
Shamila / Shameela Complete, comprehensive. Female Afghan -
Shamilah Complete, comprehensive Female Arabic -
Shamilah Complete, comprehensive Female Muslim -
Shamili A Stone Slab Female Indian -
Shamim Fire Female Indian -
Shamima Fragrant breeze Female Muslim -
Shamima Fragrant breeze Female Arabic -
Shamina Peace; Patience Female Indian -
Shamini Cute Female Indian -
Shamir Rock That can Penetrate Metal Female Indian -
Shamir Prison, bush, lees, thorn. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Female Biblical -
Shamira Precious stone Female Hebrew -
Shamis The sun Female Muslim -
Shamis The sun Female Arabic -
Shamita peacemaker Female Hindu -
Shamita Peacemaker Female Indian -
Shamitha Who is Calm and Disciplined Female Indian -
Shamitha Who is calm and disciplined Female Assemese -
Shamlee Dawn Female Indian -
Shamma Proud, supercilious Female Arabic -
Shammara he girded his loins Female Arabic -
Shammy N/A Female Indian -
Shamoodah Diamond Female Muslim -
Shamoodah Diamond Female Arabic -
Shampa Lightning Female Bengali -
Shampa Lightning Female Indian -
Shams Sun Female Muslim -
Shamsa Sunshine Female Muslim -
Shamsa Sunshine Female Arabic -
Shamshad Graceful Female Indian -
Shamsia Beautiful, Shining Star, One and only Female Muslim -
Shamsia Beautiful, Shining Star, One and only Female Arabic -
Shamugapriya Fragnance Female Indian -
Shamyra a form of Shamira Female Hebrew -
Shana God is gracious Female Hebrew -
Shanae God is gracious Female Irish -
Shanasa Praise; Wish Female Indian -
Shanasa Praise, Wish Female Assemese -
Shanata peaceful Female Hindu -
Shanata Peaceful Female Indian -
Shanaya First Ray of the Sun Female Indian -
Shanaz Pride of King Female Muslim -
Shanaz Pride of King Female Arabic -
Shanda God is Gracious; Stone; Goddess Female Indian -
Shandy rambunctious Female Old-English -
Shane God is gracious Female Irish -
Shaneeta N/A Female Indian -
Shanessa God is gracious Female Irish Nessa
Shani marvellous Female Swahili -
Shani Wonderful. Female Egyptian -
Shani Marvelous Female African -
Shania I'm on My Way; Beautiful Female Indian -
Shanika Good Female Muslim -
Shanika Good Female Arabic -
Shankari Goddess Parvati Female Indian -
Shankhamala Lighining Female Indian -
Shankhamala A fairytale princess Female Assemese -
Shankhamala A fairytale princess Female Bengali -
Shankhini Mother of Pearls Female Indian -
Shankhmani Jewel Among Conch Shells Female Indian -
Shankhvati A River Full of Shells Female Indian -
Shanley child of the old hero Female Gaelic -
Shanmitha N/A Female Indian -
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