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Popular Baby Names for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Callyr Lark. Female English -
Caltha yellow flower Female Latin -
Calva A name referring to Venus. Female Latin -
Calvinna Feminine of Calvin. Female Latin -
Calybe A nymph. Female Latin -
Calyce Mother of Cycnus. Female Latin -
Calydona From Calydon. Female Latin -
Calynda Lark. Female Italian -
Calynda Contemporary blend of the Italian/Greek Calandra with Linda. Female English -
Calynda Lark. Female Greek -
Calynn Powerful in battle. Female Gaelic -
Calypso concealor Female Greek -
Calypso A nymph. Female Latin -
Calysta Most beautiful. Calista was a Mythological Arcadian who transformed into a she-bear, then into the Great Bear constellation. Female Greek -
Cam sweet citrus Female Vietnamese -
Camaksi N/A Female Indian -
Came Joy. Female English -
Camelai flower name Female Latin -
Camelia A flower name. Female Latin -
Camelia A Flower Female Indian -
Camella Variant of the flower name Camelia. Female English -
Camella Variant Of The Flower Name Camellia. Female Afghan -
Camella Goblet. Female Latin -
Camellia Variant of the flower name Camelia. Female English -
Camellia Flower name Camelia, Helper to the Priest. Female Afghan -
Camelot Arthur's castle. Female Arthurian-Legend -
Cameo Sculptured jewel. Female Italian -
Cameo A carved gem portrait. Female English -
Camerina N/A Female Indian -
Camila Free-born; noble. Variant of Camilla. Female French -
Camila Free born. Female Afghan -
Camila Free-born; noble. Variant of Camilla. Female Latin -
Camile Free-born; noble. Variant of Camilla. Female Latin -
Camile Free-born; noble. Variant of Camilla. Female French -
Camilla Free-born; noble. Variant of Camilla. Female French -
Camilla Young Ceremonial Attendant; Helper to the Priest; Free-born; Noble; Variant of Camilla Female Indian -
Camilla Servant for the temple; Free-born; noble. Feminine form of Camillus. Famous bearer: Roman mythological Volscian warrior queen Camilla. Fanny Burney's 18th century novel 'Camilla'. Female Latin -
Camille Swiftness of Foot Female Indian -
Camille The French form of Camilla or Camillus. Famous bearer: The famous 1936 Greta Garbo film 'Camille'. Female French -
Camille Variant of the flower name Camelia. Female English -
Camille perfect Female Filipino -
Camille attendant at a religious ceremony Female Latin Camilla, Camila, Camelia, Cammilla, Cammie, Cammy, Kamilla, Kamille, Mila
Camillei Free-born; noble. Variant of Camilla. Female Latin -
Camillei Free-born; noble. Variant of Camilla. Female French -
Cammeo Sculptured jewel. Female Italian -
Cammi Free-born; noble. Variant of Camilla who was the swift-running warrior maid in Virgil's Aeneid. Female Latin -
Cammi Free-born; noble. Variant of Camilla who was the swiftrunning warrior maid in Virgil's 'Aeneid'. Female French -
Cammy Young Girls who Assisted at Pagan Religious Ceremonies Female Indian -
Camunda The Old Goddess who is Horrible to See with Her Necklace of Skulls; Her Eyes Full of Blood and Her Heavy Club Female Indian -
Canace child of the wind Female Greek -
Candace white-hot, glowing, glittering Female Greek Candice, Candys, Candy, Candie, Candi, Kandy, Kan, Candis, Kandis, Kandice
Candace Candace was an ancient hereditary title used by Ethiopian queens. Female English -
Candace Shining. Female Latin -
Candalaa N/A Female Indian -
Candalika N/A Female Indian -
Candamunda N/A Female Indian -
Candance Sparkling. Female Greek -
Candavata N/A Female Indian -
Candi Clarity; Whiteness; Form of Candace; Glowing; Bright Female Indian -
Candice Sparkling. Female Greek -
Candice Variant of Candace: ancient hereditary title used by Ethiopian queens. Female English -
Candice Shining. Female Latin -
Candida white, pure Female Latin -
Candida white Female Filipino -
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