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Popular Baby Names starting with G for male

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Getsuren Moon Lotus Male Indian -
Geuel God's redemption. Male Biblical -
Gevork farmer Male Armen -
Geyarajan King of Songs Male Indian -
Gezer Dividing, sentence. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Ghaalib Victor Male Arabic -
Ghaalib Victor Male Indian -
Ghaazi Conqueror Male Arabic -
Ghaazi Conqueror Male Indian -
Ghadir A Sword Male Indian -
Ghafar / Ghaffar Most forgiving. Male Afghan -
Ghaffar Most Forgiving; Merciful Male Indian -
Ghafir Another name for God; generous Male Arabic -
Ghafoor / Ghafur Most forgiving. Male Afghan -
Ghaibi Heavenly Ghaibi Concealed; Heavenly Male Indian -
Ghaith Rain Male Arabic -
Ghaith Rain Male Muslim -
Ghaith / Ghayth Rain Male Muslim -
Ghaleb / Ghalib Prevailing, conquering. Male Afghan -
Ghali Valuable, dear, beloved, expensive Male Muslim -
Ghali Valuable, dear, beloved, expensive Male Arabic -
Ghalib Victor Male Arabic -
Ghalib Excellent Male Indian -
Ghalib Victor Male Muslim -
Ghana Dark; Ghana Also Means Cloud Male Indian -
Ghanaaghana Excellent Male Indian -
Ghanaanand Happy Like Cloud Male Indian -
Ghanaanand happy like cloud Male Bengali -
Ghanambu Cloud Water; Rain Male Indian -
Ghananand Happy Like Cloud Male Indian -
Ghanaram Dependant on Clouds; A Garden Male Indian -
Ghanashyam Lord Krishna Male Bengali -
Ghanashyam Lord Krishna Male Indian -
Ghanasyaam Another Name of Lord Krishna Male Indian -
Ghanasyama Dark as a Cloud Male Indian -
Ghanavanth Dignified Person Male Indian -
Ghandeep Hindu Boy Male Indian -
Ghanem Successful Male Muslim -
Ghanem Successful Male Arabic -
Ghanendra Lord of Clouds; Lord Indra Male Indian -
Ghani Title of 3rd khalifah of Islam Hazrat Usman Male Arabic -
Ghani Free from want, Rich, Rich man. Male Afghan -
Ghanim Successful Male Arabic -
Ghanim Successful Male Muslim -
Ghannam Shepherd Male Muslim -
Ghannam Shepherd Male Arabic -
Ghanrasa N/A Male Indian -
Ghansara Fragrant; Auspicious Male Indian -
Ghanshyam Lord Krishna Male Indian -
Ghantaka N/A Male Indian -
Ghantasala N/A Male Indian -
Ghantin One who Sounds Like a Bell; Lord Shiva Male Indian -
Ghanvahana Lord Krishna Male Indian -
Ghanya N/A Male Indian -
Gharcheen One who Realizes the Home Within Male Indian -
Gharchet One who Meditates on the Real Home Within Male Indian -
Gharib alien; foreigner Male Armen -
Gharib / Ghareeb Poor, need, humble; stranger, foreign. Male Afghan -
Gharman Cauldron Male Indian -
Gharshit Hindu Boy Male Indian -
Ghasaan Old Arabic Name Male Indian -
Ghasaan Old Arabic name Male Arabic -
Ghasaan Old Arabic name Male Muslim -
Ghashiah 88th Surah of the Quran; covering Male Arabic -
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