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Popular Baby Names, origin English

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Bertram Introduced to Britian during the Norman Conquest, a variant of the German Bertram. Bright raven. Male English -
Bertrand Variant of Bertram: Introduced to Britian during the Norman Conquest, a variant of the German Bertram. Bright raven. Male English -
Berty Diminutive of Bert: Bright light. Male English -
Berwick From the barley grange. Male English -
Berwin Harvest-time friend. Male English -
Berwyk From the barley grange. Male English -
Berwyn Variant of Berwin: Harvesttime friend. Male English -
Berwynn Variant of Berwin: Harvesttime friend. Male English -
Berwynne Variant of Berwin: Harvesttime friend. Male English -
Beryl Derived from the precious stone Beryl, a gemstone of varying colors; often yellow-green. Famous references -Twentieth century British actress and comedienne Beryl Reid; The biblical eighth foundation stone of the wall of New Jerusalem was beryl. Female English -
Bess Diminutive of Elizabeth, meaning my god is bountiful, or god of plenty, used since the 16th century. Sometimes used as an independent name. Female English -
Bessie Diminutive of Elizabeth, meaning my god is bountiful, or god of plenty, used since the 16th century. Sometimes used as an independent name. Female English -
Bessy Diminutive of Elizabeth, meaning my god is bountiful, or god of plenty, used since the 16th century. Sometimes used as an independent name. Female English -
Beta Variant of Elizabeth, , meaning my god is bountiful, or god of plenty, originally derived from a central and eastern European name. Female English -
Beth Diminutive of Elizabeth, meaning my god is bountiful, or god of plenty, frequently used as an independent name. Beth was one of Louisa M. Alcott's heroines in her 19th century novel Little Women. Female English -
Bethan Origin uncertain. May be derived from the names Beth and Ann, or a diminutive of Elizabeth or Bethany. Female English -
Bethiar House of God. Female English -
Bethshaya Female English Beth, Shaya, Shay
Betia House of God. Female English -
Betsey Diminutive of Elizabeth. Female English -
Betsy This diminutive of Elizabeth is frequently used as an independent name. Female English -
Betty A diminutive of Elizabeth, meaning My God is plentiful, frequently used as an independent name since the 18th century. US actress Betty Grable. Female English -
Beval like the wind Male English -
Beverlee Variant of Beverly: Beaver stream. Male English -
Beverlee Beaver stream. Female English -
Beverleigh Variant of Beverly: Beaver stream. Male English -
Beverley Beaver stream, from the beaver meadow. Derived from a surname and place name. First used as a boy's first name in the late 19th century, it gradually came to be used also as a girl's name, although Beverly is the more common feminine form. Male English -
Beverley Beaver stream, woman from the beaver meadow. Derived from a surname and place name. First used as a boy's first name in the late 19th century, it gradually came to be used also as a girl's name, although Beverly is the more common feminine form. Female English -
Beverly Woman from the beaver meadow. Beaver stream. Female English -
Beverly From the beaver meadow. Male English -
Bick From the hewer's ford. Male English -
Bickford From the hewer's ford. Male English -
Biecaford From the hewer's ford. Male English -
Biford Lives at the river crossing. Male English -
Bill Nickname for William 'resolute protector' often used as an independent name. Male English -
Billie Nickname for William 'resolute protector' often used as an independent name. Male English -
Billie Determination; strength. A nickname for William. Often combined with other names -Billie-jean and Billie Jo. Female English -
Billy Nickname for William 'resolute protector' often used as an independent name. Male English -
Bina Originally a diminutive used for names ending in -bina, like Albina, Columbina, and Robina, now frequently used as an independent name. Female English -
Bink Lives at the bank. Male English -
Birch Bright; shining; the birch tree. Male English -
Birche Birch. Male English -
Bird Bird. Male English -
Birde Bird. Male English -
Birdena Contemporary name meaning Little bird. Female English -
Birdhil From the bird hill. Male English -
Birdhill From the bird hill. Male English -
Birdie Contemporary name meaning Little bird; birdlike. Female English -
Birdine Contemporary name meaning Little bird. Female English -
Birdy Birdlike. Female English -
Birk Birch tree. Male English -
Birkee Variant of Birkey: Birch island. Male English -
Birket Variant of Birkett: Area of birch trees. Male English -
Birkett Lives at the birch headland. Male English -
Birkey From the birch tree island. Male English -
Birkhead Lives at the birch headland. Male English -
Birkhed Lives at the birch headland. Male English -
Birkie Variant of Birkey: Birch island. Male English -
Birkit Variant of Birkett: Area of birch trees. Male English -
Birkitt Variant of Birkett: Area of birch trees. Male English -
Birky Variant of Birkey: Birch island. Male English -
Birley From the cattle shed on the meadow. Male English -
Birlie Variant of Birley: Cow pasture. Male English -
Birly Variant of Birley: Cow pasture. Male English -
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