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Popular Baby Names, origin English

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Nanci Variant of Anne, meaning favor; grace. Female English -
Nancie Variant of Anne, meaning favor; grace. Female English -
Nancie Variant of Anne 'favor; grace.'. Male English -
Nancy Favor; grace. Variant of Ann or Anne: A variant of Hannah introduced to Britain in the 13th century. Female English -
Nanette Favor; grace. Variant of Ann or Anne: A variant of Hannah introduced to Britain in the 13th century. Female English -
Nann Variant of Anne, meaning favor; grace. Female English -
Napier In charge of royal linens. Male English -
Nara Nearest. Female English -
Neal Champion. Form of Neil. Male English -
Nearra Nearest. Female English -
Ned Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy guardian. From the Old English name Eadweard, meaning rich or happy, and guardian. Also a diminutive of Edgar: Fortunate and powerful. Male English -
Neda Wealthy guardian. Female English -
Nedda Feminine of Ned. Female English -
Neddie Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy guardian. From the Old English name Eadweard, meaning rich or happy, and guardian. Also a diminutive of Edgar: Fortunate and powerful. Male English -
Neddy Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy guardian. From the Old English name Eadweard, meaning rich or happy, and guardian. Also a diminutive of Edgar: Fortunate and powerful. Male English -
Nedra Feminine of Ned. Female English -
Neelie Feminine of Neil, meaning champion. Female English -
Neely Feminine of Neil, meaning champion. Female English -
Neila Feminine of Neil, meaning champion. Female English -
Nelda By the alder tree. Female English -
Nell Diminutive of Ellen or Eleanor: A variant of the Greek Helen, meaning shining light, or most beautiful woman. Female English -
Nella Abbreviation of Eleanor 'shining light. '. Female English -
Nellie Diminutive of Ellen or Eleanor: A variant of the Greek Helen, meaning shining light, or most beautiful woman. Female English -
Nellwyn Bright friend. Female English -
Nelly Diminutive of Ellen or Eleanor: A variant of the Greek Helen, meaning shining light, or most beautiful woman. Female English -
Nels Son of Neil. Male English -
Nelson Son of Neil. Male English -
Nelwin Bright friend. Female English -
Nelwina Bright friend. Female English -
Nelwyna Bright friend. Female English -
Netty Name ending used as an independent name. Female English -
Neville New village. Male English -
Newell From the new hall. Male English -
Newland Lives on the new land. Male English -
Newman Newcomer. Male English -
Newton New town; from the new farm. Male English -
Nia Derived from abbreviation of names with '-nia' ending. Female English -
Niall Champion. A dynasty of Irish kings was founded by Niall of the Nine Hostages. Male English -
Nic Diminutive of Dominick: Lord. Male English -
Nichele Blend of Nichole and Michelle. Female English -
Nick Diminutive of Dominick: Lord. Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike was Greek goddess of victory and root origin of 'Nicholas.'. Male English -
Nicki Abbreviation of Nicole, meaning victory. Female English -
Nickie Abbreviation of Nicole, meaning victory. Female English -
Nickson Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike was Greek goddess of victory and root origin of 'Nicholas.'. Male English -
Nicky Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike was Greek goddess of victory and root origin of 'Nicholas.'. Male English -
Nico Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike was Greek goddess of victory and root origin of 'Nicholas.'. Male English -
Nicol Victorious; conquerer of the people. Variant of Nicholas. Male English -
Nicson Son of Nick. Male English -
Niewheall From the new hall. Male English -
Nigel Champion. From the Irish and Scottish Niall. Male English -
Nijel Champion. From the Irish and Scottish Niall. Male English -
Nik Diminutive of Dominick: Lord. Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike was Greek goddess of victory and root origin of 'Nicholas.'. Male English -
Nikki Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike was Greek goddess of victory and root origin of 'Nicholas.'. Male English -
Nikki Abbreviation of Nicole, meaning victory. Female English -
Nikkie Abbreviation of Nicole, meaning victory. Female English -
Nikko Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike was Greek goddess of victory and root origin of 'Nicholas.'. Male English -
Niko Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike was Greek goddess of victory and root origin of 'Nicholas.'. Male English -
Nikos Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike was Greek goddess of victory and root origin of 'Nicholas.'. Male English -
Nikson Son of Nick. Male English -
Niles Champion. Form of Niall. Male English -
Nina Favor; grace. Variant of Ann or Anne: A variant of Hannah introduced to Britain in the 13th century. Female English -
Nixen Son of Nick. Male English -
Nixon Abbreviation of Nicholas. Mythological Nike was Greek goddess of victory and root origin of 'Nicholas.'. Male English -
Nolene Feminine of Nolan 'noble' or variant abbreviation of 'Fenella' from Fiona, meaning fair. Female English -
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