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Popular Baby Names, origin English

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Trisha Abbreviation of Patricia: noble. Female English -
Trista Feminine of Tristan: noisy,full of sorrows. Also a rhyming variant of Christa. Female English -
Trista Feminine of Tristan 'noisy,full of sorrows' and/or a rhyming variant of Christa. Male English -
Tristan Tumult; outcry. From the Celtic name Tristan. In Arthurian legend Tristan was a Knight of the Round Table and tragic hero of the medieval tale Tristram and Isolde. Male English -
Tristen Tumult; outcry. From the Celtic name Tristan. In Arthurian legend Tristan was a Knight of the Round Table and tragic hero of the medieval tale Tristram and Isolde. Male English -
Tristen Feminine of Tristan: noisy,full of sorrows. Also a rhyming variant of Christa. Female English -
Tristian Tumult; outcry. From the Celtic name Tristan. In Arthurian legend Tristan was a Knight of the Round Table and tragic hero of the medieval tale Tristram and Isolde. Male English -
Tristin Tumult; outcry. From the Celtic name Tristan. In Arthurian legend Tristan was a Knight of the Round Table and tragic hero of the medieval tale Tristram and Isolde. Male English -
Tristina Feminine of Tristan: noisy,full of sorrows. Also a rhyming variant of Christa. Female English -
Trixie Brings joy. Abbreviation of Beatrix. Female English -
Troi Troy derives from the ancient Greek city of Troy; also from an Irish surname meaning 'soldier.'. Male English -
Trowbrydge From the tree bridge. Male English -
Trowhridge From the tree bridge. Male English -
Troy Troy derives from the ancient Greek city of Troy; also from an Irish surname meaning 'soldier.'. Male English -
Troye Troy derives from the ancient Greek city of Troy; also from an Irish surname meaning 'soldier.'. Male English -
TRUE Loyal. Male English -
Truesdale From the beloved one's farm. Male English -
Truesdell From the beloved one's farm. Male English -
Truitestall From the beloved one's farm. Male English -
Truman Loyal. Male English -
Trumbald Strong or bold. Male English -
Trumble Strong or bold. Male English -
Trumen Loyal. Male English -
Trumhall Strong or bold. Male English -
Tryp Traveler. Male English -
Trypp Traveler. Male English -
Tucker Tucker of doth. Male English -
Tuckere Tucker of doth. Male English -
Tuesday Born on Tuesday. Female English -
Tunleah From the town meadow. Male English -
Tupper Ram herder. Male English -
Tuppere Ram herder. Male English -
Turner Lathe worker. Male English -
Twain Cut in two. Male English -
Twein Cut in two. Male English -
Twiford From the double river ford. Male English -
Twitchel Lives on a narrow passage. Male English -
Twitchell Lives on a narrow passage. Male English -
Twyford From the double river ford. Male English -
Twyla Woven. Female English -
Ty Abbreviation for names beginning with 'Ty-.'. Male English -
Tyce Fiery. Male English -
Tye From the enclosure. Male English -
Tyeson Fiery. Male English -
Tyesone Son of Tye. Male English -
Tyfiell Derivative of the Scandinavian god of battle 'Tyr.' Tuesday was named for Tyr. Male English -
Tyg From the enclosure. Male English -
Tyla Good. Male English -
Tyler Tile layer, or a variant of Taylor. An English surname frequently used as a given name. Male English -
Tylere Maker of tiles. Male English -
Tylor Tile layer, or a variant of Taylor. An English surname frequently used as a given name. Male English -
Tyna River. Female English -
Tyne River. Female English -
Tyreece Derivative of the Scandinavian god of battle 'Tyr.' Tuesday was named for Tyr. Male English -
Tyrel Derivative of the Scandinavian god of battle 'Tyr.' Tuesday was named for Tyr. Male English -
Tyrell Thunder ruler. Male English -
Tyrelle Derivative of the Scandinavian god of battle 'Tyr.' Tuesday was named for Tyr. Male English -
Tyrus Modern blend of Tyrone and Cyrus; or a reference to the ancient Phoenician city of Tyre. Male English -
Tyson Son of Tye 'Fiery.'. Male English -
Udale From the yew tree valley. Male English -
Udall From the yew tree valley. Male English -
Udayle From the yew tree valley. Male English -
Udell From the yew tree valley. Male English -
Udolf Wealthy wolf. Male English -
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