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Popular Baby Names, origin Greek

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Rhete Speaker. Female Greek -
Rhoda rose Female Greek Rhodia, Rhodie, Rodie, Roe
Rhodantha Rose. Female Greek -
Rhodanthe flower of the rose bush Female Greek -
Rhodia Rose. Female Greek -
Rhoecus Saved Hamadryd. Male Greek -
Rina Peaceful. Female Greek -
Risto Christ hearer. Male Greek -
Rita pearl, precious Female Greek -
Ritsa Protector of man. Female Greek -
Ritza Protector of man. Female Greek -
Rodas Rose garden. Male Greek -
Saba woman of Sheba Female Greek -
Sabastian Revered. The twin brother of Viola in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. A third-century martyred centurion who became St. Sebastian patron saint of soldiers. Male Greek -
Sacha Variant of Alexander: Defender of men. Alexander the Great was a 4th century Macedonian king for whom the Egyptian city of Alexandria is named. Eight popes and three Russian emperors have been named Alexander. Also means avenger. Male Greek -
Sacha Feminine form of Alexander: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great. Female Greek -
Sachenka Feminine form of Alexander: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great. Female Greek -
Sachka Feminine form of Alexander: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great. Female Greek -
Saffi Wise. Female Greek -
Salena Variant of Selina: Moon goddess. Female Greek -
Salina Variant of Selina: Moon goddess. Female Greek -
Salmoneus During Trojan War he pretended to be Zeus. Male Greek -
Sande Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of men; protector of mankind. Male Greek -
Sander Defender of man. Male Greek -
Sanders Defender of man. Male Greek -
Sanderson Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of men; protector of mankind. Male Greek -
Sandey Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of men; protector of mankind. Male Greek -
Sandie Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of men; protector of mankind. Male Greek -
Sandor Defender of man. Male Greek -
Sandra Variant of Alexandra: A feminine form of Alexander meaning defender of men, used in Britain since early 13th century; it became popular after the 1863 marriage of future King Edward VII to Princess Alexandra of Denmark. Female Greek -
Sandrine helper and defender of mankind Female Greek Sandra
Sandy Feminine form of Alexander: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great. Female Greek -
Sandy Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of men; protector of mankind. Male Greek -
Sapphira blue jewel Female Greek Saphira, Sapphire
Sapphire Jewel. Female Greek -
Sarpedon Killed by Patroclus during the Trojan War. Male Greek -
Sascha Feminine form of Alexander: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great. Female Greek -
Sasha Defender of mankind. Feminine of Alexander. Female Greek -
Saunders Defender of man. Male Greek -
Saunderson Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of men; protector of mankind. Male Greek -
Scylla A sea monster. Female Greek -
Sebasten Revered. Male Greek -
Sebastene Adored. Female Greek -
Sebastian Revered. Male Greek -
Sebastiana Adored. Female Greek -
Sebastiano Revered. Male Greek -
Sebastienne Adored. Female Greek -
Sebestyen Revered. Male Greek -
Selena moon Female Greek Selina, Selene, Selinda, Selly, Sellie, Sela, Selia, Sena, Celena, Celina, Celene, Celie, Celia
Selene Moon. Female Greek -
Selia Moon. Female Greek -
Selina Moon goddess. Female Greek -
Semele Mother of Dionysus. Female Greek -
Seoirse Farmer. Male Greek -
Seorsa Farmer. Male Greek -
Sib Diminutive of Sybil: Prophetess; oracle. Female Greek -
Sibbie Diminutive of Sybil: Prophetess; oracle. Female Greek -
Sibby Diminutive of Sybil: Prophetess; oracle. Female Greek -
Sibella Prophetess; oracle. Female Greek -
Sibilla Prophetess; oracle. Female Greek -
Sibley prophetess Female Greek Sibyl, Sibylle, Sybil, Sybyl, Sybille, Sibille, Sibeal, Sybilline, Sibby, Sibbi, Sib, Cybil, Cybill
Sibyl Prophetess; oracle. Female Greek -
Sibylla Prophetess; oracle. Female Greek -
Sidney From Sidon. Male Greek -
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