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Popular Baby Names, origin Indian

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Citta Thought; Mind; Intellect Male Indian -
Cittaja Born of the Heart Male Indian -
Cittapara Beyond Reason Male Indian -
Cittavata With a Heart; Kindhearted Male Indian -
Cittayu Son of the Heart Male Indian -
Cittin Thinker; Wise Male Indian -
Citvana Glance; A Look Male Indian -
Citvata Endowed with Mind; Logical Male Indian -
Civarin Wearing Rags Male Indian -
Claire Bright; Famous Male Indian -
Claire Bright Female Indian -
Clare Clear and Bright Female Indian -
Clarence Name of a Place Male Indian -
Clarissa Famous Female Indian -
Clark Surname; Scholar Male Indian -
Claud Lame Male Indian -
Clay Surname; Clay-pit Worker Male Indian -
Clayton Surname; Place Name; Clay-pit Site Male Indian -
Clement Merciful in French Male Indian -
Clifford Name of a Place; Near a Slope Male Indian -
Clinton Surname; Place Name; Near a Hill Male Indian -
Clorinda Of Renowned Beauty Female Indian -
Coksa Pure; Clean Male Indian -
Cola A Long Robe Male Indian -
Cole Prince of Red Roses Male Indian -
Coleman Dove; Peace Male Indian -
Colin Dove Male Indian -
Colston Surname Male Indian -
Conner High Desire Male Indian -
Cooper Surname Male Indian -
Cora Maiden Female Indian -
Coral Small Stone Female Indian -
Corbett Black Hair Male Indian -
Corey God's Servant Male Indian -
Corian Modern; Trendy; Full of Emotion Female Indian -
Corona Crown Female Indian -
Cortez Surname; Place Name Male Indian -
Cosmo Order Male Indian -
Courtney Royal Attendant Female Indian -
Craig Rocky Outcropping Male Indian -
Creation Rachita Female Indian -
Criselda N/A Female Indian -
Crishdeep N/A Male Indian -
Crispus Curly Haired Male Indian -
Cudamani Jewel Worn on the Crest Male Indian -
Cudaratna Jewel of the Crest; Excellent; Best Male Indian -
Cummum Adorable Male Indian -
Cunanda Perception; Learning Male Indian -
Cuncu Renowned Male Indian -
Cunda Perceptor; Learn; Understand Male Indian -
Cupid N/A Male Indian -
Cupka The Wooded Sandpiper Male Indian -
Curtis Courteous Male Indian -
Cyanea Sky Blue Female Indian -
Cyavana Moving; Active Male Indian -
Cynthia Moon Goddess Female Indian -
Cyra Moon Female Indian -
Cyril Borne by Large Number of Saint Male Indian -
Cyrus The Name of the Founder of the Persian Empire Male Indian -
Czaee Name of Flower Female Indian -
Daaminee Lightning Female Indian -
Daamodar A Name of Krishna Male Indian -
Daania Beautiful Female Indian -
Daanish Knowledge; Wisdom; Learning; Science Male Indian -
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