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Popular Baby Names, origin Indian

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Shreema Prosperous Female Indian -
Shreeman A Respectable Person Male Indian -
Shreemani Beautiful; Rich Female Indian -
Shreematee N/A Female Indian -
Shreemayi Fortunate Female Indian -
Shreena Spiritual Female Indian -
Shreenand Lord Vishnu; Lord Krishna Male Indian -
Shreenath Lord Shrinathji in Gujarat Male Indian -
Shreenivas Goddess House Male Indian -
Shreeparna Tree Adorned with Leaves Female Indian -
Shreeprada Goddess Radha Female Indian -
Shreepriya Lover of Lakshmi Male Indian -
Shreepushp Cloves Male Indian -
Shreerag N/A Male Indian -
Shreerang Another Name of Vishnu Male Indian -
Shreeranjani Prosperous Female Indian -
Shreesh Good Fortune Male Indian -
Shreesha Wealthy Female Indian -
Shreetej Glory of Goddess Laxmi Male Indian -
Shreevallabh Lord of Lakshmi Male Indian -
Shreey Lord of Shree Male Indian -
Shreeya Auspicious; Lucky; Happiness Female Indian -
Shreeyang Lord Ganesha Male Indian -
Shreius Sobering Power Male Indian -
Shrejal Foremost; Best; First Female Indian -
Shrena Foremost; Best; First Female Indian -
Shrenik Organised Male Indian -
Shresht Elevated; Best of All Male Indian -
Shreshta The Best Male Indian -
Shreshta Fortunate Female Indian -
Shresta Foremost; Best; First Female Indian -
Shrestajna Top Knowledge Female Indian -
Shrestajna Top Knowledge Male Indian -
Shresth Best of All Male Indian -
Shresth Best of All Female Indian -
Shrestha Perfection Female Indian -
Shresthi Best of All Female Indian -
Shresthi Best of All Male Indian -
Shrevin Divine Male Indian -
Shrey Marvellous Male Indian -
Shreya Beautiful Male Indian -
Shreya Auspicious; Better Female Indian -
Shreyada One who Gives Wealth; Giver of Wealth Female Indian -
Shreyaj N/A Male Indian -
Shreyan N/A Female Indian -
Shreyank Fame Male Indian -
Shreyansh Fame; Fame Giver and Lucky; Goddess of Earth Male Indian -
Shreyanshi N/A Female Indian -
Shreyanshu God of Affection Male Indian -
Shreyas Superior; Good Male Indian -
Shreyash Credit and Success Male Indian -
Shreyashi Good Female Indian -
Shreyasi One who is Most Beautiful Female Indian -
Shreyus The Superior; Excellent; Auspicious Male Indian -
Shri Respected Male Indian -
Shri Lustre Female Indian -
Shribala Divine Maiden Female Indian -
Shribhadra A Goddess; Best Among People Female Indian -
Shribindu Mark of Fortune Female Indian -
Shrida Bestowing Fortune; Given by Goddess Lakshmi Female Indian -
Shrida Lord Kuber Male Indian -
Shridaman Beautiful Garland Male Indian -
Shridevi Goddess Female Indian -
Shridhar Lord Vishnu Male Indian -
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