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Popular Baby Names, origin Italian

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Donatus Variant of Donato: Present. Male Italian -
Donella Lady. From the respectful title Donna. Female Italian -
Donelle Lady. From the respectful title Donna. Female Italian -
Donetta Lady. From the respectful title Donna. Female Italian -
Donielle Lady. From the respectful title Donna. Female Italian -
Donisha Lady. From the respectful title Donna. Female Italian -
Donna lady Female Italian Dona, Domina, Madonna
Donna-marie Lady. From the respectful title Donna. Female Italian -
Donnalee Lady. From the respectful title Donna. Female Italian -
Donnalyn Lady. From the respectful title Donna. Female Italian -
Donni Lady. From the respectful title Donna. Female Italian -
Donnie Lady. From the respectful title Donna. Female Italian -
Donya Lady. From the respectful title Donna. Female Italian -
Donzel Abbreviation of Donatello 'gift from God.'. Male Italian -
Drago Dragon. Male Italian -
Durante Enduring. The Italian form of the Latin Durand. Male Italian -
Edita Wealthy. Female Italian -
Editta Wealthy. Female Italian -
Edmondo Italian form of Edmund 'prosperous'. Male Italian -
Edoardo Italian form of Edward 'rich guardian'. Male Italian -
Eduardo Italian form of Edward 'rich guardian'. Male Italian -
Egidio Young goat (kid); squire. Male Italian -
Egiodeo Squire. Male Italian -
Elba Italian place name. Male Italian -
Elda Warrior. Female Italian -
Eleanora Light. Female Italian -
Elena Shining light, or bright one. A variant of the Greek Helen. Female Italian -
Elene Light. Female Italian -
Elenora Light. Female Italian -
Elenore Light. Female Italian -
Eleonora Shining light. Variant of Helen. Female Italian -
Elisabetta Variant of English/Hebrew name Elizabeth. My God is bountiful;God of plenty. Female Italian -
Elizabetta Italian form of Elizabeth: consecrated to God. Female Italian -
Elmo Worthy to be loved. Male Italian -
Eloisa The Italian form of Eloise. Variant of Louise. Female Italian -
Emanuele With us is God. Variant of Hebrew name Immanuel. A biblical name-title applied to the Messiah. Male Italian -
Emesto Serious. Male Italian -
Emilia Italian form of Emily: industrious. Female Italian -
Emiliano Industrious. Male Italian -
Emmanuele Italian form of Emmanuel 'God is among us'. Male Italian -
Enea Born ninth. Male Italian -
Enric Variant of Enrico: Head of the household. Male Italian -
Enrichetta Ruler. Female Italian -
Enrico Italian form of Henry 'rules the home'. Male Italian -
Enrikos Variant of Enrico: Head of the household. Male Italian -
Enrique Variant of Enrico: Head of the household. Male Italian -
Enzio Ruler at home. Male Italian -
Enzo Winner. Italian form of Henry 'rules the home'. Male Italian -
Ercole Gift. Male Italian -
Ermanno Italian form of. Male Italian -
Esta from the east Female Italian -
Este From the east. Male Italian -
Ettore Loyal. Male Italian -
Eugenio Noble. Wellborn. Male Italian -
Evelina Italian form of Evelyn: gives life. Female Italian -
Fabia Feminine form of Fabio: bean farmer. Female Italian -
Fabiana Feminine form of Fabio: bean farmer. Female Italian -
Fabiano Bean farmer. Male Italian -
Fabio Bean farmer. Derived from the Roman clan name Fabius. Male Italian -
Fabrizio Craftsman. Male Italian -
Fahroni Blacksmith. Male Italian -
Farfalla butterfly Female Italian Farfa, Faffa, Fafylena, Lena, Lina, Faffelina, Lyna, Fafelyna, Fafelina
Faust Lucky. Male Italian -
Fausta Lucky. Female Italian -
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