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Popular Baby Names, origin Welsh

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Lowri Welsh form of Laura, meaning laurel. Female Welsh -
Luc Welsh form of Luke 'light'. Male Welsh -
Lug Welsh form of Luke 'light'. Male Welsh -
Lyn Diminutive of Llewellyn: Leader. Lion-like. Male Welsh -
Lynelle Variant of ancient Welsh given name Eluned: From 'cilun' meaning idol. Female Welsh -
Lynessa Variant of ancient Welsh given name Eluned: From 'cilun' meaning idol. Female Welsh -
Lynette Variant of ancient Welsh given name Eluned: From 'cilun' meaning idol. Female Welsh -
Lynnet Variant of ancient Welsh given name Eluned: From 'cilun' meaning idol. Female Welsh -
Lynnette Variant of ancient Welsh given name Eluned: From 'cilun' meaning idol. In Arthurian legend Lynette accompanied Sir Gareth on a knightly quest. Female Welsh -
Mabli Welsh form of Mabel, meaning lovable. Female Welsh -
Mabon Legendary son of Modron. Male Welsh -
Mabsant Legendary son of Caw. Male Welsh -
Madawc Beneficent. Male Welsh -
Madawg Legendary son of Teithyon. Male Welsh -
Maddoc Beneficent. Male Welsh -
Maddock Beneficent. Male Welsh -
Maddockson Son of Maddock. Male Welsh -
Maddocson Son of Maddock. Male Welsh -
Maddog Beneficent. Male Welsh -
Maddox Son of Maddock. Male Welsh -
Madoc Fortunate. Beneficent. Male Welsh -
Madog Beneficent. Male Welsh -
Maegan Variant of Margaret - pearl - based on the abbreviation Meg. Female Welsh -
Mael Legendary son of Roycol. Male Welsh -
Maelgwyn Prince of the hounds. Male Welsh -
Maelwys Legendary son of Baeddan. Male Welsh -
Mair Bitter. Female Welsh -
Mali Welsh form of Molly: bitter. Female Welsh -
Mallolwch Legendary king of Ireland. Male Welsh -
Manawydan Legendary son of LIyr. Male Welsh -
March Legendary son of Meirchywn. Male Welsh -
Maredud Magnificent. Female Welsh -
Marged Pearl. Female Welsh -
Margred Pearl. Female Welsh -
Mari Variant of Mary, meaning bitter. Favored prefix for blended names like Maribel. Female Welsh -
Marvin Variant of Mervyn: Form of Merlin: From the sea fortress. Male Welsh -
Marvyn Variant of Mervyn: Form of Merlin: From the sea fortress. Male Welsh -
Mathias Gift of God. Male Welsh -
Mawrth Welsh form of Mars, god of war. Male Welsh -
Maygan Variant of Margaret - pearl - based on the abbreviation Meg. Female Welsh -
Meagan Variant of Margaret - pearl - based on the abbreviation Meg. Female Welsh -
Meaghan Variant of Margaret - pearl - based on the abbreviation Meg. Female Welsh -
Medyr Legendary son of Medyredydd. Male Welsh -
Meeghan Variant of Margaret - pearl - based on the abbreviation Meg. Female Welsh -
Meggan Variant of Margaret - pearl - based on the abbreviation Meg. Female Welsh -
Meghan Pearl. Female Welsh -
Meilyg Legendary son of Caw. Male Welsh -
Meirion Name derived from the old county of Merionethshire. Male Welsh -
Meirion Name derived from the old county of Merionethshire. Female Welsh -
Menw Legendary son of Teinkaedd. Male Welsh -
Mercher Welsh form of Mercury, messenger of the gods. Male Welsh -
Mercia From Mercia. Female Welsh -
Meredith Magnificent. Great chief. Great lady. This name can be given to children of either gender, but is more common among girls. Female Welsh -
Meredith Guardian of the sea. Great chief. This name can be given to children of either gender, but is more common among girls. Male Welsh -
Meredydd Guardian of the sea. Male Welsh -
Meredydd Magnificent. Female Welsh -
Mererid Pearl. Female Welsh -
Meridith Guardian of the sea. Male Welsh -
Merlin Hawk. From the sea fortress. In Arthurian legend, Merlin Ambrosius was adviser/mentor to King Arthur. Male Welsh -
Merlyn Sea fortress. In Arthurian mythology the wizard Merlin was King Arthur's mentor. Male Welsh -
Merrick Dark-skinned; A Moor. Form of Maurice. Male Welsh -
Merrion Variant of Meirion: Name derived from the old county of Merionethshire. Male Welsh -
Merrion Variant of Meirion: Name derived from the old county of Merionethshire. Female Welsh -
Merry Diminutive of Meredith: Magnificent. Great chief. Great lady. Used for both genders, but most common among girls. Female Welsh -
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