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Popular Baby Names

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Anuvrata N/A Male Indian -
Anuvrinda Krishna's Queen's Name Female Indian -
Anuya N/A Female Indian -
Anuyatri Follower; Companion Male Indian -
Anuyayin Follower Male Indian -
Anvar N/A Male Indian -
Anvay Joined; Integration Male Indian -
Anvee One of Devi's Names; Name of a Goddess Female Indian -
Anvesh Investigation Male Indian -
Anvesha Quest; Curious; To Search Female Indian -
Anveshak Seeker Male Indian -
Anveshan Finding Male Indian -
Anvi One of Devi's Names Male Indian -
Anvi One Of Devi'S Names Female Hindi -
Anvi One of Devi's Names Female Indian -
Anvie Goddess Durga Female Indian -
Anvisha Goddess Female Indian -
Anvit Leader Male Indian -
Anvita Who Bridges The Gap Female Bengali -
Anvita Female Hindu -
Anvita Who Bridges the Gap Female Indian -
Anvith Friend Male Indian -
Anviti Followed After Female Indian -
Anwaar Rays of Light Female Indian -
Anwaar Light, glow, gleam Male Muslim -
Anwaar Light, glow, gleam Male Arabic -
Anwar Radiant, full of light Male Arabic -
Anwar Devotee of God Male Indian -
Anwar luminous Male Muslim -
Anwar Wild. Male Welsh -
Anwar / Anvar Beams of Light. Male Afghan -
Anwar, Anwaar Rays of light, blossoms Female Muslim -
Anwara Ray of Light Female Muslim -
Anwara Ray of Light Female Arabic -
Anwas Legendary father of Twrch. Male Welsh -
Anwealda Sacred. Male Anglo -
Anwell Beloved. Male Welsh -
Anwell Beloved. Male Celtic -
Anwen Very beautiful'. Female Welsh -
Anwer bright Male Arabic -
Anwesh Quest; Searching Male Indian -
Anwesha Quest Female Indian -
Anwil Beloved. Male Welsh -
Anwill Beloved. Male Welsh -
Anwir Liar. Male Welsh -
Anwita Goddess Durga Female Indian -
Anwyl Beloved. Male Welsh -
Anwyl Beloved. Male Celtic -
Anwyll Beloved. Male Welsh -
Anya Inexhaustible Female Indian -
Anya Variant of Anna: A variant of Hannah. In Virgil's 'Aeneid', Anna was sister of Dido, Queen of Carthage. According to an apocryphal gospel, Anna was also the mother of the Virgin Mary. Female Greek -
Anya Inexhaustible; Gracious Female Bengali -
Anya Variant of Anna. British novelist Anya Seton. Female English -
Anya Gracious Female Arabic -
Anyah The Inexhaustible Female Indian -
Anyi Destiny Female Indian -
Anynaga Spotless; Flawless; Divine Male Indian -
Anynnawg Legendary son of Menw. Male Welsh -
Anyon Anvil. Male Welsh -
Anyon Anvil. Male Celtic -
Anyonya Friendly Female Indian -
Anysia Complete. Female Greek -
Anyssa Variant of Anne or Agnes. Female English -
Anyuna Not Defective; Healthy; Whole Male Indian -
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