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Popular Baby Names

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Aparesh God Shiva's Invincible Worship Male Indian -
Aparichit Unknown Male Indian -
Aparijita Undefeated; Name of a Flower Female Indian -
Aparijita Undefeated; Name of a flower Female Bengali -
Aparimit Unbounded Male Indian -
Aparimita N/A Female Indian -
Aparita N/A Male Indian -
Aparjita Never Been Conquered Female Indian -
Aparjith N/A Male Indian -
Aparna Goddess Parvati Female Bengali -
Aparna same as Parvati Female Hindu -
Aparna Goddess Parvati Female Indian -
Aparnesa N/A Male Indian -
Aparoksa N/A Male Indian -
Aparoop Uncommon Male Indian -
Aparoopa Extremely Beautiful Female Indian -
Aparoopa Extremely Beautiful Female Bengali -
Aparup Beautiful Female Indian -
Aparusa Free from Anger Male Indian -
Apasanka N/A Male Indian -
Apash Wyakaikt Nez Perce name meaning flint necklace. Male Native-American -
Apaspati N/A Male Indian -
Apasra adorn Female Thai -
Apasyu Skilful; Active Male Indian -
Apatihat Without a Match Male Indian -
Apava N/A Male Indian -
Apekaloma Peaceful father. Male Hawaiian -
Apeksha Expected Female Indian -
Apekshaa Expectation Female Indian -
Apekshit Desired; Expected Male Indian -
Apela Breath; breathing spirit (Hawaiian variant of Abel). Male Hawaiian -
Apelahama Father to many (Hawaiian variant of Abraham). Male Hawaiian -
Apelama He who has many children. Male Hawaiian -
Apelles Exclusion, separation. Male Biblical -
Apemantus Tragedy of Julius Caesar.' Mark Antony, roman triumvir and Cleopatra's lover. 'The Life of Timon of Athens' A Male Shakespearean -
Apenimon Worthy of trust. Male Native-American -
Apharsathchites Dividing or rending. Male Biblical -
Apharsites Dividing or rending. Male Biblical -
Aphek Strength, a rapid torrent. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Aphekah Strength, a rapid torrent. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Aphiah Speaking, blowing. Male Biblical -
Aphik Strength, a rapid torrent. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Aphra Dust Female Hebrew -
Aphria Agreeable. Female Celtic -
Aphrodite Goddess of Love Female Greek Afrodite, Aphrodesia
Apia God is my father. Male Hawaiian -
Apiatan Kiowa name meaning lance. Male Native-American -
Apiguna One with Attributes; Excellent; Virtuous Male Indian -
Apija N/A Male Indian -
Apikai Gift of God; gift from God. Male Hawaiian -
Apilama Variant of Apelama: He who has many children. Male Hawaiian -
Apinaya Expressions In Dance Female Assemese -
Apinaya Expressions in Dance Female Indian -
Apindra N/A Male Indian -
Apirka pleasant Female Gaelic -
Apis Mythical dead bull thought to be Osiris. Male Egyptian -
Apnavana N/A Male Indian -
Apocalypse Uncovering, revelation. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Apocrypha Hidden. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Apod N/A Male Indian -
Apolinario Destroyer, god of light, art, law, God of the sun, Sunlight, Manly beauty Male Filipino -
Apollina From Apdlo. Female Greek -
Apollina Gift from Apollo. Female French -
Apollinaris From Apdlo. Female Greek -
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