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Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Amory Leader; divine; brave; powerful. Male German -
Amory loving Both Latin Emory, Emery
Amory Hard working. Male Teutonic -
Amos 'Loading, weighty' Male Biblical -
Amos A Burden Male Indian -
Amos troubled Male Hebrew -
Amosa Variant of Amoka: Strong (Hawaiian interpretation of the name Amos). Male Hawaiian -
Amot Power of an eagle. Male German -
Amott Power of an eagle. Male German -
Amou Eagle wolf. Male French -
Amoux Eagle wolf. Male French -
Amoz Strong, robust. Male Biblical -
Amparo ??? Female Filipino -
Amphiaraus One of the attackers of Thehes. Male Greek -
Amphion Son of Zeus in ancient Greek mythology. Male Greek -
Amphitrite A sea goddess. Female Greek -
Amphitrite Aunt of Achilles. Female Latin -
Amphitryon Husband of Alcmene. Male Greek -
Amplias Large, extensive Male Biblical -
Amprithu Strong and Healthy Male Indian -
Ampuaj N/A Male Indian -
Ampyx Father of Mopsus. Male Greek -
Amr Order; Command; Old Arabic Name; The Generous One Male Indian -
Amr life Male Muslim -
Amr By my life A famous companion had this name, ibn al-Aas who conquered Egypt; also Ibn al-Ala called Zabban, was one of the seven readers of the Quran and an eminent Scholar. Male Arabic -
Amr Son of Arthur. Male Arthurian-Legend -
Amra Princess. Female Arabic -
Amra Princess Female Muslim -
Amrah Headgear Female Muslim -
Amrah Headgear. Female Arabic -
Amraj N/A Male Indian -
Amrakali Mango Bud Female Indian -
Amrakuta Disciple of Buddha Female Indian -
Amrakuta Special Halls or Mansions Male Indian -
Amram Great nation Male Hebrew -
Amram An exalted people, their sheaves, handfuls of corn. Male Biblical -
Amrapali Famous Courtesan Who Became A Devotee Of Buddha Female Bengali -
Amrapali Famous Courtesan who Became a Devotee of Buddha Female Indian -
Amrapali Guardian of the Mango Tree Male Indian -
Amraphel One that speaks of secrets Male Biblical -
Amreen Sky Female Muslim -
Amreen Sky Female Arabic -
Amreet N/A Male Indian -
Amreeta Nectar Female Indian -
Amren Legendary son of Bedwyr. Male Welsh -
Amresh Lord Indra Male Indian -
Amrik Nectar Male Indian -
Amrindar N/A Male Indian -
Amrinder Similar to Amarinder Male Indian -
Amrish Lord Indra Male Indian -
Amrisha N/A Female Indian -
Amrit God's Nectar Female Indian -
Amrit nectar Male Hindu -
Amrit Nectar Male Indian -
Amrita Joy of Love Male Indian -
Amrita Immortality; Nectar Female Indian -
Amrita Full of Nectar; Spiritual holy water; Immortality Female Bengali -
Amrita immortality Female Hindu Amreeta
Amritajanani Beyond Birth Female Indian -
Amritaka The Nectar of Immortality Male Indian -
Amritalal One who is Immortal Male Indian -
Amritam Veritable Nectar Male Indian -
Amritamalini Eternally Fresh Garland Female Indian -
Amritambu Moon Female Indian -
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