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Popular Baby Names

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Amuk Some; One or Another Male Indian -
Amukta Can't Be Touched; Precious Female Indian -
Amukulita N/A Female Indian -
Amul Priceless Male Assemese -
Amul Priceless Male Indian -
Amul Male Hindu -
Amulaya Invaluable Male Indian -
Amulya Priceless Male Indian -
Amulya Priceless Female Indian -
Amulya priceless Male Hindu -
Amum N/A Male Indian -
Amun God of mystery. Male Egyptian -
Amund Bridal gift. Male Norse -
Amundi Bridal gift. Male Norse -
Amundsgn N/A Male Indian -
Amunet Mythical goddess of mystery. Female Egyptian -
Amura Wise; Intelligent; Sharpsighted Male Indian -
Amurta Formless; Lord Shiva Male Indian -
Amurti Incorporeal; All Prevading; God Vishnu Male Indian -
Amutha Lively Female Indian -
Amuthan N/A Female Indian -
Amuthan Purity; Precious One Male Indian -
Amuthavalli N/A Female Indian -
Amutheswari A Goddess Female Indian -
Amvi A Goddess Female Indian -
Amvi A Goddess Female Hindi -
Amwolf Eagle wolf. Male German -
Amy Beloved. Female English -
Amy Dearly loved; Beloved. From the Old French Amee, which derives from the Latin amatus meaning loved. In common use after publication of American Louisa May Alcott's 'Little Women'. Female French -
Amy beloved Female Latin -
Amy Loved Female Indian -
Amyas From the Old French name derived from Latin 'amatus' meaning loved. In use since at least the 12th century. Used by 19th century British writer Charles Kingsley for the hero of his novel 'Westward Ho!'. Male French -
Amycus Friendly. Son of Poseidon in Greek mythology. Male Greek -
Amymone Woman who murdered her husband. Female Greek -
Amymone One of the Danaides. Female Latin -
Amynedd Patient. Male Welsh -
Amyneddgar Patient. Male Welsh -
Amynta Protector. Female Latin -
Amyntas Protector. Female Latin -
Amyra Highborn Girl Female Indian -
Amzad More Glorious Male Indian -
Amzi 'Strong, mighty' Male Biblical -
An peace; safety Male Vietnamese -
An peace; safety Female Vietnamese -
An Son of Grim. Male Norse -
An peace Female Chinese -
An peace Male Chinese -
An Dung peaceful hero Male Vietnamese -
Ana merciful, gracious Female Filipino -
Ana Playful,Wanted Female Bengali -
Ana cave Female Unknown -
Ana Prestige, self respect. Female Arabic -
Ana Prestige, self respect Female Muslim -
Ana Playful; Wanted Female Indian -
Anaad Beginning-less Male Indian -
Anaadhi Without Beginning Male Indian -
Anaadi Without Beginning Male Indian -
Anaamika Name of Ring Finger Female Indian -
Anaan Clouds Female Indian -
Anaan Clouds Male Indian -
Anaan Clouds Female Arabic -
Anaar Pomegranate Male Indian -
Anaar Familiar with Anaar Female Indian -
Anaarkali Without Sin Female Indian -
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