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Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Annapoorna Goddess of Grains Female Indian -
Annapoorna Goddess Parvati; Generous with food Female Bengali -
Annapurani Goddess Parvati Female Indian -
Annapurna Goddess Parvati; Generous with Food Female Indian -
Annapurna Devi Bhagavati; Goddess of Food; Goddess Parvati; Generous with food Female Bengali -
Annapurna one of the Hindu Goddesses Female Hindu -
Annar Born second. Male Scandinavian -
Annar Father of the world. Male Norse -
Annas One who answers; humble. Male Biblical -
Annasami N/A Male Indian -
Annastasia Resurrection. Female Greek -
Annavi N/A Male Indian -
Annawan Variant of Annawon: Algonquin name meaning Chief. Male Native-American -
Annawon Algonquin name meaning Chief. Male Native-American -
Annaya Unique Female Indian -
Anndra Manly. Male Greek -
Anndrea Feminine form of Ander. Female Danish -
Anne Variant of Hebrew Hannah: Favor. Grace. Female English -
Anne French spelling of English Ann, a variant of Hannah introduced to Britain in the 13th century. Famous bearers: 14th century St Anne; King Henry VIII's wives Anne Boleyn and Anne of Cleves; Queen Elizabeth's daughter Princess Anne. Female French -
Anne Grace; Mercy Female Indian -
Anne gracious Female Hebrew Ann, Anna, Annis, Annys, Anya, Anja, Anika, Annika, Annie, Annice, Anita, Anca, Anneka, Annette, Ana, Anita, Annette, Nanette, Anitia, Anushka, Anuschka
Annel Pretty Female Indian -
Anneli Variant of Hebrew Hannah: Favor. Grace. Female Finnish -
Anneliese Graced with God's bounty. Female Latin -
Anneliese Derived from a compound of Anna (grace) and Liesa, which is a German diminutive of Elizabeth (God is bountiful). Female German -
Annelisa Graced with God's bounty. Female Latin -
Annelise Graced with God's bounty. Female Latin -
Annelise Graceful light. Female Danish -
Annemarie Bitter grace. Female German -
Annemette Bitter pearl. Female Danish -
Annemie Bitter grace. Female Dutch -
Annette Variant of Anne meaning Little Ann. Variant of Hebrew 'Hannah' meaning 'Favor. Grace. '. Female French -
Annette Variant of Ann: A variant of Hannah introduced to Britain in the 13th century, made popular in the 14th century by the cult of St Anne. The form of the name varies with fashion:. Female English -
Annette Grace Female Indian -
Annette, Annie gracious, merciful Female Filipino -
Anni Variant of Hebrew Hannah meaning favor. Grace. Female German -
Annice Variant of the Greek Agnes,Poor, pure, or chaste. St. Agnes was a 3rd century Christian martyr whose January 21st feast day is described in Keats' poem 'The Eve of St Agnes'. Female Greek -
Annice Variant of Anne or Agnes. Female English -
Annie Diminutive of Ann frequently used as an independent name. Famous bearers: Markswoman Annie Oakley, famous in the musical 'Annie Get Your Gun'; cartoonist Harold Gray's 'Little Orphan Annie'; the traditional folk song 'Annie Laurie'. Female English -
Annie Grace Female Indian -
Annika Goddess Durga Female Indian -
Annika Variant of Ann: A variant of Hannah introduced to Britain in the 13th century, made popular in the 14th century by the cult of St Anne. The form of the name varies with fashion:. Female English -
Annika Goddess Durga Female Hindi -
Annikki Bitter. Female Finnish -
Annina Feminine form of Herman: Soldier. Army Man. from the Old German Hariman. Female German -
Annina graceful Female Hebrew -
Anniru N/A Male Indian -
Anniruddha Son of Pradyummna Male Indian -
Anniruddha son of Pradyummna Male Hindu -
Annis Unity. Female Anglo -
Annis Variant of Anne or Agnes. Female English -
Annis Variant of the Greek Agnes,Poor, pure, or chaste. St. Agnes was a 3rd century Christian martyr whose January 21st feast day is described in Keats' poem 'The Eve of St Agnes'. Female Greek -
Annisa Friendly Female Indian -
Annisa Friendly Female Assemese -
Annissa Variant of Anne or Agnes. Female English -
Anniyah Concern, loving Female Arabic -
Anniyah Concern, loving Female Muslim -
Annjaya N/A Female Indian -
Annjeanette Gift of God's favor. Blend of Ann and Janet. Female English -
Annora One of the most common forms of the name Honor in the Middle Ages. Female English -
Annora honor Female Latin -
Annraoi Rules an estate. Male Teutonic -
Annson Variant of Anson: Anne's son; son of God. Famous Bearer: actor Anson Williams. Male English -
Anntoin Priceless Male Irish -
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