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Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Anscom Lives in the valley of the majestic one. Male English -
Anscomb Lives in the valley of the majestic one. Male English -
Anse Constant. Female Latin -
Anseim Introduced from Germany by 11th century St Anselm, who became Archbishop of Canterbury. Male English -
Anseim From the Old German Ansehelm, meaning god-helmet. Male German -
Ansel God's protection. Male German -
Ansel God's protection. Variant of Anseim: Introduced from Germany by 11th century St Anselm, who became Archbishop of Canterbury. Male English -
Ansel Adherent of a nobleman. Male French -
Ansel A god Male Filipino -
Ansel Divine helmet. Male Teutonic -
Ansel Nobel Male Indian -
Ansell Adherent of a nobleman. Male French -
Ansell God's protection. Variant of Anseim: Introduced from Germany by 11th century St Anselm, who became Archbishop of Canterbury. Male English -
Ansell God's protection. Male German -
Anselm Variant of Ansel: Follower; one who follows a nobleman. Male French -
Anselm Divine helmet. Male Teutonic -
Anselma Feminine form of Anseim: Introduced from Germany by 11th century St Anselm, who became Archbishop of Canterbury. Female English -
Anselmo God's protection. Male German -
Anselmo God's protection. Male English -
Anselmo Divine helmet. Male Spanish -
Ansgar Warrior. Male Swedish -
Ansgar Divine spear. Male Teutonic -
Ansgar Spear of the gods. Male Norse -
Ansgar Warrior. Male Celtic -
Ansh Portion Male Indian -
Ansh Portion Male Assemese -
Ansh Portion Female Indian -
Ansha Portion Female Indian -
Ansha Portion Female Bengali -
Ansha Portion Female Hindi -
Anshi God's Gift Female Indian -
Anshika Minute Particle Female Indian -
Anshika Minute Particle Male Indian -
Anshita A Part of Female Indian -
Anshu Sun Female Indian -
Anshu The Sun Male Indian -
Anshu Sun Female Hindi -
Anshu Sun Female Bengali -
Anshu Female Hindu -
Anshu Male Hindu -
Anshuk Radiant Male Indian -
Anshuk Radiant Male Bengali -
Anshuka Ray of Sun Female Indian -
Anshuka N/A Male Indian -
Anshul Radiant Male Indian -
Anshul Male Hindu -
Anshula Radiant; Bright; Enlightening Male Indian -
Anshula Sunny Female Bengali -
Anshula Sunny Female Indian -
Anshumaala Garland of Rays Female Indian -
Anshumaan The Sun Male Indian -
Anshumala Garland of Rays Female Indian -
Anshumala Garland Of Rays Female Assemese -
Anshumali Sun Female Indian -
Anshuman The Sun Male Indian -
Anshuman Male Hindu -
Anshuman The sun Male Bengali -
Anshuman The sun Male Assemese -
Anshumanth Luminous Male Indian -
Anshumat Luminous Male Indian -
Anshumati Wise; Glorious; Splendid Female Indian -
Anshumi Every Part or Element of D Earth Female Indian -
Anshumita Ray of Sun Female Indian -
Ansika Beautiful Female Indian -
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