Popular Baby Names
Name | Meaning | Gender | Origin | Similar |
Ansin | Son of the Graceful One; Has a Share in the Property | Male | Indian | - |
Ansitha | A Part of | Female | Indian | - |
Ansleigh | From the awe inspiring one's meadow. | Male | English | - |
Ansley | From the awe inspiring one's meadow. | Male | English | - |
Ansley | from the pastureland of the noble | Male | Old-English | - |
Anson | son of a nobleman, son of Ann or Hans | Male | Anglo-Saxon | Ansen, Ansonia, Hansen, Hanson |
Anson | Ruler. | Male | Anglo | - |
Anson | Anne's son; son of God. Famous Bearer: actor Anson Williams. | Male | English | - |
Anson | Son of Ann. | Male | German | - |
Ansruta | Unique; Unheard of | Female | Indian | - |
Ansrutas | N/A | Male | Indian | - |
Ansson | Variant of Anson: Anne's son; son of God. Famous Bearer: actor Anson Williams. | Male | English | - |
Anstace | One who will be reborn. | Female | Greek | - |
Anstice | One who will be reborn. | Female | Greek | - |
Anstice | Immortal. | Male | Greek | - |
Anstiss | Resurrected. | Male | Greek | - |
Ansu | Ray of Light | Male | Indian | - |
Ansubana | N/A | Male | Indian | - |
Ansudhara | N/A | Male | Indian | - |
Ansujala | N/A | Male | Indian | - |
Ansuka | Leaf; Ray; Bright; Tender; Enlighten | Male | Indian | - |
Ansula | Radiant; Bright; Enlightening | Male | Indian | - |
Ansumala | A Garland of Rays | Female | Indian | - |
Ansumalin | N/A | Male | Indian | - |
Ansuman | N/A | Male | Indian | - |
Ansumat | Bearer of Rays; Luminous; The Moon | Male | Indian | - |
Ansumati | Wise; Glorious; Splendid | Female | Indian | - |
Ansupati | N/A | Male | Indian | - |
Ansusvami | Lord of Rays; The Sun | Male | Indian | - |
Ansuvana | N/A | Male | Indian | - |
Ansuvra | N/A | Male | Indian | - |
Ansuya | Learned Woman | Female | Hindi | - |
Ansuya | Learned Woman | Female | Indian | - |
Ansuya | Learned Woman | Female | Bengali | - |
Antaeus | Enemy. Killed by Hercules in Greek mythology. | Male | Greek | - |
Antaios | Variant of Antaeus: Enemy. Killed by Hercules in Greek mythology. | Male | Greek | - |
Antal | prince | Male | Latin | - |
Antama | N/A | Male | Indian | - |
Antandra | An Amazon. | Female | Latin | - |
Antang | A Complete Person | Male | Indian | - |
Antar | name of Arab hero of chivalry | Male | Arabic | - |
Antara | Paragraph | Male | Bengali | - |
Antara | The Second Note in Hindustani Classical Music | Female | Indian | - |
Antara | Related; Intimate; Soul; Heart | Male | Indian | - |
Antarah | Heroic; name of an Arab folk hero | Male | Arabic | - |
Antarah | Heroic; name of an Arab folk hero | Male | Muslim | - |
Antaram | unfading | Female | Armenian | - |
Antarang | Intimate; Close to Heart | Male | Indian | - |
Antardhi | With Inner Perception | Male | Indian | - |
Antares | The name of a giant red star; the brightest in the constellation Scorpio. | Male | Greek | - |
Antaresh | Name of a Giant Red Star | Male | Indian | - |
Antariksh | Space; Universe | Male | Indian | - |
Antariksha | Space; Sky | Female | Indian | - |
Antarjot | The Divine Light Within | Female | Indian | - |
Antarjot | The Divine Light Within; Inner Light | Male | Indian | - |
Antarpreet | One who Loves the Light Within; Deep; Inner Love | Male | Indian | - |
Antarpreet | One who Loves the Light Within | Female | Indian | - |
Antea | Feminine form of Antaeus son of Poseidon. | Female | Greek | - |
Anteia | wife of sea-god proteus | Female | Greek | - |
Antenor | Anjou, and titular King of Naples. 'The History of Troilus and Cressida' A | Male | Shakespearean | - |
Anteros | Mutual love. | Male | Greek | - |
Antfortas | Keeper of the grail. | Male | Arthurian-Legend | - |
Anthea | lady of flowers | Female | Greek | - |
Anthea | Flower | Female | Indian | - |