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Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Anthia Flower; Lady of flowers. Female Greek -
Anthony Priceless. Male Greek -
Anthony Flower Male Indian -
Anthony worthy of praise Male Filipino -
Anthony He adds or priceless. Male Basque -
Anthony Highly praiseworthy. From a Roman clan name. In the 17th century, the spelling Anthony was associated with the Greek anthos meaning flower. Male English -
Anthony Trojan commander. 'King Henry the Eighth' Sir Anthony Male Shakespearean -
Anthony priceless, flourishing, flower Male Latin, Greek Anthoney, Antonius, Anton, Antony, Antonio, Tony, Toni, Tonio, Tonie, Tone, Tee, Toney, Antonio, Anthony, Antone, Antoine, Anth, Nee
Anti N/A Male Indian -
Antichrist An adversary to Christ Male Biblical -
Anticlea Mother of Odysseus. Female Greek -
Antideva N/A Male Indian -
Antigone Daughter of Oedipus. Female Greek -
Antigone Sister of Priam. Female Latin -
Antigonus Denny. 'The Winter's Tale' Lord of Sicilia. Male Shakespearean -
Antilochus Son of Nestor. Male Greek -
Antim Last Male Indian -
Antim Last Male Assemese -
Antima Ultimate Female Indian -
Antini Living in a Hermitage Female Indian -
Antini Living in a hermitage Female Bengali -
Antinko Inestimable. Male Russian -
Antinous One of Penelope's suitors. Male Greek -
Antioch Speedy as a chariot Male Biblical -
Antiochus 'Pericles, Prince of Tyre' King of Antioch. Male Shakespearean -
Antiope Daughter of Asopus. Female Greek -
Antipas For all, or against all. Male Biblical -
Antipatris For, or against the father. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Male Biblical -
Antiphates A Cyclops. Male Greek -
Antipholus 'The Comedy of Errors' Twin brothers, Male Shakespearean -
Antish Something Special Male Indian -
Antje grace Female German -
Antoine Variant of Anthony: Highly praiseworthy. From a Roman clan name. In the 17th century, the spelling Anthony was associated with the Greek anthos meaning flower. Male English -
Antoine A french form of the English Anthony which is derived from a Roman clan name meaning highly praiseworthy. Male French -
Antoinetta Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony. Female Latin -
Antoinette Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony. Female Latin -
Antoinette ??? Female Filipino -
Antoinette Beyond praise. French feminine form of Anthony generally associated with French queen Marie Antoinette, wife of King Louis XVI, guillotined during the French Revolution. Female French -
Antoinette Feminine form of Anthony: Highly praiseworthy. From a Roman clan name. In the 17th century, the spelling Anthony was associated with the Greek anthos meaning flower. Female English -
Anton Variant of Anthony: Highly praiseworthy. From a Roman clan name. In the 17th century, the spelling Anthony was associated with the Greek anthos meaning flower. Male English -
Anton German form of Anthony. Male German -
Anton Priceless. Male Greek -
Anton Feminine form of the German and Russian form of Anthony. Female German -
Anton Priceless. Male Swedish -
Anton Highly praiseworthy. Male Slavic -
Anton Spanish form of Anthony beyond praise. Male Spanish -
Anton Inestimable. Male Russian -
Anton worthy of praise Male Filipino -
Antonella Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony. Female Latin -
Antonetta Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony. Female Latin -
Antonette Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony. Female Latin -
Antonia Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony. Female Latin -
Antonia Priceless. Female Italian -
Antonia Feminine form of Anthony: Highly praiseworthy. From a Roman clan name. In the 17th century, the spelling Anthony was associated with the Greek anthos meaning flower. Female English -
Antonia priceless, flourishing, flower Female Latin, Greek Antoine, Antoinette, Antoinetta, Antonella, Antonellina, Tonia, Tonya, Toinette, Toni, Tony
Antonie Priceless. Female German -
Antonietta Priceless. Female Italian -
Antonina Praiseworthy. Feminine of Anthony. Female Latin -
Antonina Feminine form of Anthony: Highly praiseworthy. From a Roman clan name. In the 17th century, the spelling Anthony was associated with the Greek anthos meaning flower. Female English -
Antonino Highly praiseworthy. See Anthony. Male Italian -
Antonio Italian form of Anthony 'beyond praise'. Male Italian -
Antonio worthy of praise Male Filipino -
Antonio Variant of Anthony: Highly praiseworthy. From a Roman clan name. In the 17th century, the spelling Anthony was associated with the Greek anthos meaning flower. Male English -
Antonio Spanish form of Anthony beyond praise. Male Spanish -
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