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Popular Baby Names for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Coralyn Maiden. Female English -
Corazon heart Female Filipino -
Cordelia rope, heart, a sea jewel Female Latin, Celtic Delia, Cordy, Kordelia
Cordelia Of the sea. Female Celtic -
Cordelia Jewel of the sea. Female Welsh -
Cordelia In Shakespeare's King Lear a woman of rare honesty. Female English -
Coreen Maiden Female Irish -
Coreene Maiden Female Irish -
Corella Maiden. Female English -
Corella Maiden. Female Greek -
Coretta Maiden. Female Greek -
Coretta Variant of Cory meaning variously: From the round hill; seething pool; or ravine. Female English -
Coretta Little maiden. Female French -
Coretta Maiden Female Irish -
Corette Little maiden. Female French -
Corette Maiden. Female Greek -
Corey Variant of Cory meaning variously: From the round hill; seething pool; or ravine. Female English -
Corey Dweller near a hollow Female Irish -
Cori Dweller near a hollow Female Irish -
Cori Variant of Cory meaning variously: From the round hill; seething pool; or ravine. Female English -
Corian Modern; Trendy; Full of Emotion Female Indian -
Coriann Variant of Cory meaning variously: From the round hill; seething pool; or ravine. Female English -
Coriann From the ravine Female Irish -
Corianne From the ravine Female Irish -
Corianne Variant of Cory meaning variously: From the round hill; seething pool; or ravine. Female English -
Corie Variant of Cory meaning variously: From the round hill; seething pool; or ravine. Female English -
Corie Dweller near a hollow Female Irish -
Corin Maiden. Female Greek -
Corina maiden Female Filipino -
Corina Variant of Corinne: maiden. Female Latin -
Corinda Female Unknown Cori
Corine Variant of Corinne: maiden. Female Latin -
Corinne Maiden. Female Greek -
Corinne Maiden. The French form of Corinna, now the more common form of the name in the English-speaking world. Female French -
Corinthia 'Woman of Corinth. Female Greek -
Corisa Variant of Cory meaning variously: From the round hill; seething pool; or ravine. Female English -
Corisa Maiden Female Irish -
Corissa Maiden. Female English -
Corlene Maiden. Female English -
Corliss Good hearted; carefree. Female English -
Corliss cheerful and generous Female Old-English -
Cornelia horn Female Latin -
Cornella Feminine of Cornelius: Horn. Female Latin -
Corona Crown Female Indian -
Coronis Mother of Aesculapius. Female Greek -
Correen Maiden Female Irish -
Correena Maiden Female Irish -
Corri Dweller near a hollow Female Irish -
Corri Variant of Cory meaning variously: From the round hill; seething pool; or ravine. Female English -
Corrianna Variant of Cory meaning variously: From the round hill; seething pool; or ravine. Female English -
Corrianna From the ravine Female Irish -
Corrianne From the ravine Female Irish -
Corrianne Variant of Cory meaning variously: From the round hill; seething pool; or ravine. Female English -
Corrie Variant of Cory meaning variously: From the round hill; seething pool; or ravine. Female English -
Corrie Dweller near a hollow Female Irish -
Corrina Variant of Corinne: maiden. Female Latin -
Corrina Maiden. Female Greek -
Corrissa Maiden. Female English -
Corry Variant of Cory meaning variously: From the round hill; seething pool; or ravine. Female English -
Corry Dweller near a hollow Female Irish -
Corsen Reed. Female Welsh -
Cortney Courtly; courteous. Female English -
Cortney Courtly; courteous. . Female French -
Cory From the round hill; seething pool; ravine. Female English -
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