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Popular Baby Names for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Cory Dweller near a hollow Female Irish -
Cosette Victorious. Female French -
Cosimia Of the universe. Female Greek -
Cosma Of the universe. Female Greek -
Cotovatre Name of a lake. Female Arthurian-Legend -
Countess Titled. Feminine equivalent of Count. Female English -
Courtenay From the court, or short nose. From the surname of the aristocratic Courtenay family, based on the Old French word meaning short nose. Courtly; courteous. Female French -
Courtlyn Courtly; courteous. . Female French -
Courtlyn Courtly; courteous. Female English -
Courtney Courtly; courteous. Female English -
Courtney From the court, or short nose. From the surname of the aristocratic Courtenay family, based on the Old French word meaning short nose. Courtly; courteous. Female French -
Courtney Royal Attendant Female Indian -
Courtney from the court Female Old-English, French Cortney, Cortie, Corey, Court, Kurt, Kurtney, Kort, Kortney
Courtney Born at court. Female Latin -
Coventina Name of a nymph. Female Anglo -
Coventina Water goddess. Female Celtic -
Cragen Shell. Female Welsh -
Creation Rachita Female Indian -
Creiddylad Jewel of the sea. Female Welsh -
Creiddyladl Daughter of Llud. Female Arthurian-Legend -
Creissant To create. Female French -
Crescent To create. Female French -
Crescent one who creates Female Old-French -
Crescentia crescent moon Female Filipino -
Crescentia Growing. Female Latin -
Cressida gold Female Greek -
Creusa Daughter of Erechtheus. Female Greek -
Criselda N/A Female Indian -
Criseyde Old English form of the Greek Cressida, used by Chaucer. Female English -
Crispina Curly haired. Female Latin -
Crissa Follower of Christ or anointed Female Irish -
Crissie Follower of Christ or anointed Female Irish -
Crissy Follower of Christ or anointed Female Irish -
Cristabel Beautiful Christian. Female Latin -
Cristabell Beautiful Christian. Female Latin -
Cristen Variant of Christian. Female English -
Cristie Follower of Christ or anointed Female Irish -
Cristin Follower of Christ or anointed Female Irish -
Cristin Christian. Female Latin -
Cristin Variant of Christian. Female English -
Cristina Christ bearer Female Filipino -
Cristina Follower of Christ. Female Italian -
Cristine Follower of Christ. Female Italian -
Cristiona Christian. Female Latin -
Cristy Follower of Christ or anointed Female Irish -
Cristyn Variant of Christian. Female English -
Crubellelasheentaii beautiful young one Female Unknown -
Crysta Anointed one; a Christian. Female Greek -
Crystal Feminine form of Christopher: From the Greek word meaning 'carrier of Christ', Famous bearer: St Christopher, patron Saint of travellers, is believed to have carried the Christ-child across a river. Female Greek -
Crystal A jewel name from the English word crystal, referring to crystal glass, based on the Greek 'krustallos' meaning ice. Also a variant of Christiana, meaning Follower of Christ. Female English -
Crystal clear, bright, ice Female Latin Chrystal, Chrystol, Christal, Krystal, Kristal, Cristal, Cristale, Cristol, Cristel
Cuc chrysanthemum Female Vietnamese -
Cuifen emerald fragrance Female Chinese -
Cuini Queen. Female Gaelic -
Cumania Name of a saint Female Irish -
Cundrie Woman who condemns Percival. Female Arthurian-Legend -
Cundry Woman who condemns Percival. Female Arthurian-Legend -
Curissa Female Unknown -
Custelle Majestic. Female Latin -
Cuyler chapel Female Celtic -
Cwen Queen. Female Anglo -
Cwen Queen. Female English -
Cwene Queen. Female Anglo -
Cyanea Sky Blue Female Indian -
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