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Popular Baby Names for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Dael Lives in the valley. Female English -
Dael Small valley. Female Dutch -
Daelyn Small valley. Female English -
Daena From Denmark. Also a variant of Daniel. Female English -
Daere Fiend. Female Welsh -
Daesgesage Day's eye. Female English -
Daevaki Wife of Vasudeva; The Mother of Lord Krishna Female Indian -
Daevani N/A Female Indian -
Daevasree N/A Female Indian -
Daevayaani N/A Female Indian -
Daeveebaala N/A Female Indian -
Daeveepriya N/A Female Indian -
Daevi Goddess; The Diety Female Indian -
Daevika Minor Deity; Goddess Female Indian -
Daevy angel Female Cambodian -
Daff Diminutive of Daphne: Bay tree, or laurel tree. The Greek mythological nymph Daphne was rescued from the unwanted attentions of the god Apollo by being turned into a laurel bush. Famous bearer: British author Daphne du Maurier. Female Greek -
Daffodil Flower. Female Greek -
Dafiyah Narrator of Hadith Female Arabic -
Dafiyah Narrator of Hadith Female Muslim -
Dafne The laurel tree. The mythological virtuous Daphne was transformed into a laurel tree to protect her from Apollo. Female Israeli -
Daganya Ceremonial grain Female Hebrew -
Daganyah Ceremonial grain Female Hebrew -
Dagian Dawn. Female English -
Dagmar Famous or glorious day. Derived from a compound of two German words. Female German -
Dagmar Famous day. Derived from a compound of two German words. Also, glory of the Danes. Female Danish -
Dagmar joyous day, bright, joy of the Danes Female Germanic, Danish -
Dagna a splendid day Female Old-German -
Dagny day, brightness, new day, Dane's joy Female Norwegian -
Dagomar Glorious day. Female German -
Dahab Gold Female Indian -
Dahab Gold Female Muslim -
Dahab Gold Female Arabic -
Dahadaha Blazing; Destroying Enemies Female Indian -
Dahanapriya Beloved of Fire Female Indian -
Dahlia Flower Name Female Indian -
Dahma She was a scholar of religion and had learnt from her brother al-Imam al-Mahdi; she excelled in grammer and literature and possessed knowledge of other sciences and arts. (A.N.). Female Arabic -
Dahma She was a scholar of religion and had learnt from her brother al-Imam al-Mahdi; she excelled in grammer and literature and possessed knowledge of othe Female Muslim -
Dahna Lady. From the respectful title Donna. Female Italian -
Dahnya Lady. From the respectful title Donna. Female Italian -
Dai great Female Japanese -
Daina From Denmark. Also a variant of Daniel. Female English -
Daisey Day's eye. A flower name. Female English -
Daisi Day's eye. A flower name. Female English -
Daisi Daisy. Female French -
Daisie Day's eye. A flower name. Female English -
Daisy Day's eye, from the old English. Also a flower name. Also a translation of the French Marguerite, and used as a pet form of Margaret. The use of Daisy in the chorus of the song A bicycle built for two made the name Daisy famous. Female English -
Daisy day's eye, flower name Female Latin, Old-English Daisey
Daisy the flower Female Filipino -
Daitan daring; bold one Female Japanese -
Daityasena One who has an Army of Demons Female Indian -
Daivat Luck Female Indian -
Daivi Pious Soul Female Indian -
Daivya Divine Female Indian -
Daiyu black jade Female Chinese -
Daizy Day's eye. A flower name. Female English -
Dajshi Glorious Female Indian -
Daka N/A Female Indian -
Dakin Danish Female Danish Dane, Daine, Daneen, Danika
Dakini Witch Female Indian -
Daksa Talented; Perfect Female Indian -
Daksakanya An Able Daughter; Another Name of Durga Female Indian -
Daksayani Godess Parvati; Daughter of Daksha Female Indian -
Daksha The Earth; Sati; Wife of Shiva Female Indian -
Daksha The Earth; Wife Of Lord Shiva Female Hindi -
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