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Popular Baby Names starting with W for male

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Wenyan refined and virtuous Male Chinese -
Weolingtun From the wealthy estate. Male English -
Weorth From the farm. Male English -
Werhar Protecting army. Male Teutonic -
Werian From the white island. Male Anglo -
Werner Warin warrior Male Teutonic -
Werner army guard Male Filipino -
Werner Defending warrior. Male German -
Wes West meadow. Variant of the English surname Westley. Male English -
Wesley From the west meadow. John and Charles Wesley were the founders of Methodism. Male English -
Wesley west meadow Male Old-English Wes, Wessely, Wess
Wessley West meadow. Variant of the English surname Westley. Male English -
West West town. Surname. Male English -
West Male Old-English Weston, Westbrook, Westby, Westcott, Weston, Westleigh
West from the west Male Filipino -
Westbroc From the west brook. Male English -
Westbrook From the west brook. Male English -
Westby From the west farm. Male English -
Westcot From the west cottage. Male English -
Westcott From the west cottage. Male English -
Westen West town. Surname. Male English -
Westin West town. Surname. Male English -
Westleah From the west meadow. Male English -
Westley From the west meadow. Male English -
Westminster 'King Richard The Second' Abbot of Westminster. Male Shakespearean -
Westmoreland 'King Henry IV, Part 1 and 2' Henry V. Earl of Westmoreland, one of the King's party. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part III' Earl of Westmoreland. Male Shakespearean -
Weston from the west town Male Filipino -
Weston West town. Surname. Male English -
Westun From the west. Male English -
Wetherby From the wether sheep farm. Male English -
Wetherby ram's meadow Male Old-English -
Wetherly From the wether sheep meadow. Male English -
Wethrby From the wether sheep farm. Male English -
Wethrleah From the wether sheep meadow. Male English -
Wevers Weaver. Male Dutch -
Weyland From the land by the highway. Male English -
Weylin Son of the wolf. Male Celtic -
Weylyn Son of the wolf. Male Celtic -
Whan enlargement Male Korean -
Wharton From the estate at the hollow. Male English -
Wheatley From the wheat meadow. Male English -
Wheaton wheat town Male Old-English -
Wheaton from the wheat town Male Filipino -
Wheeler a driver Male Old-English -
Wheeler wheel maker Male Filipino -
Wheeler Wheel maker. Male English -
Whistler Piper. Male English -
Whit white Male Old-English White, Whitey, Whitcomb, Whitby, Whitelaw, Whitfield, Whitford, Whitley, Whitlock, Whitman, Whitmore,Whittaker
Whitby From the white dwelling. Male Scandinavian -
Whitby From the white farm. Male English -
Whitcomb From the white hollow. Male English -
Whitelaw From the white hill. Male English -
Whitfield From the white field. Male English -
Whitfield from a small field Male Old-English Whitley
Whitford From the white ford. Male English -
Whitlaw From the white hill. Male English -
Whitley From the white meadow. Male English -
Whitlock Blond. Male English -
Whitman White haired. Male English -
Whitmoor From the white moor. Male English -
Whitmore From the white moor. Male English -
Whitmore 'King Henry IV, Part 1' Sir Walter Blunt. 'Henry VI, Part 2' Walter Whitmore. Male Shakespearean -
Whitney From the white haired man's estate. Male English -
Whittaker From the white field. Male English -
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